Monday, March 26, 2012

Where Do Hardback ‘Ho’s Go?

I’m not afraid to admit it.  Thank God they don’t throw us into the tank or burn us at the stake.

I’m a total ‘ho when it comes to buying books and only hardback will do. I have this uncontrollable urge to hold a weighty, leathery (yes, I take off the cover so I can feel it up), and fresh smelling book. If this sounds like a fetish, it is and it isn’t new; it started way back at a time when I had no money at all.  Food or a book? That’s when you started dialing for someone to take you to dinner!

I’ll also concede it’s an expensive habit but so are nice shoes. I’m kind of one of those ‘ho's too. Is this where I acknowledge the fact that I, quite possibly, cost a lot? Let’s chalk it up to there are pros and cons to everyone. I hope I have that scale balanced properly.

It’s been brought to my attention recently, YESTERDAY, that I have too many books. Who made you the “Clutter Cop” anyway? I’ve known I needed to sort through them but why not put off today what you can do…never.

Now, I’m left with the task of finding a proper home for upwards of 700 hardback books scattered all over my house. Apparently my bedroom, which houses 300 in random stacks all over, is no longer suitable. I told someone recently that I had a stack of 40 next to my bed. I do; that’s the gotta read pile with the exception of one. However, at issue may be the other 260ish in piles everywhere else up there. I suppose if you trip over them at night, it becomes dangerous.
Much to my hesitation, it’s time to sort the keepers and donate/give away the rest. Friends call me the “Book Fairy” as I’m never short of titles to recommend and most often, I have the book already. They know they can grab any one they’d like and, with some exceptions, they’re welcome to pass my books along without the worry of returning. I don’t often re-read a book.

I’m already prepared to donate one to a good cause and happy to send it off (“Confederacy of Dunces”…it's all yours).

You may get me to push my stacks around to a new spot but I will NEVER break up with! They love me and give me free shipping. I’m always “One-Click” away from having a new title arrive at my house in 2 days…makes my lust for leather very easy to satisfy.


  1. You can never have too many books.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly. They make me happy.

  2. I haven't bought a book in over a year. The last one was The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest because there was no way I could wait for it to get to the library. The library is where I live these days and I'm w/you -- I can't curl up with a cold electronic device...wait. Hm. Never mind. I just need to turn actual pages.

    1. I felt the very same way about that whole trilogy.

      I hear you about curling up with the electronic devices. Now, speaking to the Kindle, I was gifted one which I use for traveling since I would pack at least three books if I went away for more than a weekend. Then it comes in handy. However, my preference is always to turn an actual page.

      P.S. You always make me laugh!

  3. I know just what you mean, can't get into the electronic - what a great name though hardback Ho - you can add me to the club. We decided a couple of years ago not to keep our books (must have been after I saw a Seinfeld episode on it) and like photos I miss them...

    1. You're in!

      I'm going to miss some, others not so much. I'm afraid I won't give away as many as I should but will do my first cut.

      That Don Draper is SO FREAKING HOT! March 25th couldn't come fast enough for me.

  4. As expensive habits go, this one nurtures the mind more than many others. ~Mary

  5. Hah! You sound like Scott and I. We agree that our marriage is, while made in heaven, utterly WRONG. We each should have married a neat freak. Instead, we married each other, and now the laundry room is the ONLY PLACE IN THE HOUSE without at least one pile of books to trip over. Oh yeah. We feel yah. There's a website - I think if you google 'donate books' it will turn up - that will help you identify a local charity in need of your books if you want to unload a bunch fast.

    1. Hey Jesterqueen,

      Thanks for the website. Things might go smoother if I do the quick dump. Otherwise, I'll start pulling out of the donate pile.

      Neither one of us is terribly neat. We are clean yet clutter y. He leaves so much crapola around here...coats, shoes, papers, etc. I try never to say a word. You know those people in glass houses?

  6. I had floor to ceiling bookshelves built in my 'formal' dining room just so I had a place for my books. I'm probably not one to criticize... I suppose this means that I'll never be able to entertain the Queen at my house, but I suppose I'll have to suffer.

    1. Sooooo smart! The Queen is over rated, anyhow.

      If I was smart, I wouldn't have put a dining room in my home at all. It gets used maybe 4 times a year. This summer it's going to be my daughter's internship office so I expect more clutter.

  7. Dissing Confederacy now? I see how it is...

    1. I just indicated that my copy was available. Not trying to start anything!

      Remember, I won't judge.

  8. But feeling you on the love of books; I have a fetish too. Love nothing more.

    1. For books, right?

      They make me very happy and it's my favorite thing to do. However, it also leads me into a bad habit...procrastination.
