Tuesday, March 13, 2012

When Good Things End...

I'm not talking about anything dramatic here, the end of something important. I'm talking about the end of my very extended vacation. It's right around the corner and I can see it coming, only three days left. As I sit on my lanai reading and writing, I hear the plane carrying my husband fly over my head or is it the crashing waves I hear? My son is out diving for the next 7 hours and I have my very first day out of 18 to myself. WHAT SHALL I DO? I know I will take my book out to the beach. As I mentioned several times, I'm currently addicted to "Fifty Shades of Grey" because it is pure sexiness and I won't be torn away. If I CAN put the book down, I will talk a walk without my iPod so I can watch and listen to the waves while daydreaming...one of my favorite things to do. I will think about some special friends, pray for one, actually pray for two (my daughter beaching it in Fort Laudy and praying she stays safe) I will think about a special dive I took yesterday with my two guys to a site called "The Amplitheater" that if you swim out to the blue and turn around to view it, it looks as if an ice cream scoop carved out a hunk of coral and an awesome rock band could play on it's sandy stage. However, its roof is forty feet under the water. The second best part of the dive along this 100 foot wall, in the middle if the ocean, was the sighting of three 8 foot sharks swimming 20 feet below us. We all quieted our fins and breathing to simply watch as they scoured the wall for lunch. Of course, all the fish disappeared because they feel their predators' presence. The truly best part of the dive was the show we lucked into on the hour long ride back to port. A humped-backed whale gracefully breeched for us five times as we got closer and closer to watch it swim. We were in awe of it's massiveness and beauty. The thing I know about whales is when it's finished playing for you see it shows you it's tail, it is making it's dive down and probably won't surface for twenty minutes so we move along feeling very fortunate! I do hear the plane take off because the noise is way high up. Shit, a woman just jogged by all sweaty. Now Im feeling pressure to get off my ass and move. Damn her for being healthy.


  1. Tell her being healthy on vacation blows. Regardless, I wish I was there whether I was jogging or sitting.

    1. Arnebya,
      It is lovely and I did go out for a pretty brisk beach walk. Felt really good. I just let my mi d wander.

  2. The book reviews say that you are reading soft porn. Had I known that was all it took to become a famous author I would have taken a different route.

    I love watching the whales. Their grace amazes me to be so big and move so smoothly.

    1. The reviews are accurate. I just had to find out for myself what everyone was talking about, at least the NY Times. It's hard to believe someone can actually write like this, as if you are right in the middle of it. It is well written for "soft porn".

      Whales are incredible animals. I feel lucky to have experienced one yesterday. Tomorrow...who knows what I will see.

  3. Wow - sharks that is awesome. I am envious of you having the courage to dive I had a bad experience in Sth America - came up too quickly - and felt very ill. But I never got the hang of all that equipment. Also I've written down the name of that book...might suggest it at our next book club meeting

    1. Saw ore sharks, sea turtles and heard/saw whales. To hear them underwater is incredible but we wished we were swimming next to them. Oh no...you could have really damaged yourself. That is very scary. You're right..you have to get over the equipment thing and get in the wat. Then you forget about it until you get out.

      I love this book and it's addicting. However, it's not for the faint of heart or people uncomfortable reading about amazing sex. It really is pretty racy. Must say something about me, I suppose, but hopefully not.

  4. lucky lucky you!! have fun and enjoy!!

    1. Thanks! I'm back now but it's 70 degrees here so it doesn't much feel like I've left the islands...no sand or water though :-(
