Monday, February 13, 2017

It's Monday, February 13th! What Are You Reading? Quick, Quick!!!

Hosted by The Book Date.

I say “Quick, Quick” because I would rather tell you about my experience in a Mayan sweat lodge while it is fresh in my memory. Though first I need to write it down.

What have I recently finished since we last discussed?

Nothing. I was on vacation, but not on the type of vacation that made reading easily prioritized. Actually, most days/nights, I did not have the mental or physical capacity for it.

What am I currently reading?

The same stuff as last time though I am a bit further along.

About halfway through and it continues to engage. It is funny, too. I now know what "The Nix" is! Love when the meaning of a title is illuminated. I also love the cover art on this one, too. It makes perfect sense for the story. This book is really good and I fully understand the "buzz" surrounding it though I wish I had more time to devote to it right now.

I am a Mary Oliver fan through and through. I just love her. This collection returns to what I think Oliver writes about best, her observations of nature and her surroundings.

Thirst is exactly what my desiccated lips and mind need right this very minute. I have taken to reading each poem once internally then out loud for the second time just to see if the experience is different. Feels different. It does and I will continue on this way. Will be finished today, sadly.

Almost finished and almost wish I was not listening to this. It is a bit confusing as there are so many names that sound similar, and the timing goes forward and back. Maybe it’s me. Still, it is compelling and sad and heartbreaking. Why are we so cruel to one another?

What will I read next?

Of COURSE! I have pre-ordered my copy for his event on March 2nd, and it is available for pickup TOMORROW!!! WOO HOO! Can’t wait. I am sure I will finish it before I come back for “It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?” next time. Wait. I’ll be out of town. Trust me, it will be finished!

Okay, how about you? Any recommendations or books you think I should read?

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