Friday, November 16, 2012

Costco's Special Department

I found myself at that dreaded place again today. The one I kind of hate.

I usually don’t go. My more patient half does that for us because, apparently, he loves it (ICK!) and doesn’t mind. Orrrrr he wants something from me and thinks he’s scoring favor points (that was smart-alecky, sorry). Actually, he really DOES like going.

I’m not going to rant like I did last time but I still find that place terribly unfriendly. It actually, for me, turns a good mood into a crabby one stat.

Why don’t people smile? When you say please excuse me nicely, why don’t they move? Or if they do move, why don’t they acknowledge anything? It amazes me that people can live in such a self-absorbed bubble.

To me, it’s a giant, cement, freezing cold, way too crowded, not enough samples, unfriendly place.


There is one alluring department there. It beckons me with it’s come hither ways even though I pick a different aisle to traverse when bee lining to the meat case. Trying to keep my eyes forward, something always turns my head and always draws me to it. And then it’s over and I’ve lost again.

It’s the book aisle. I have a documented problem with buying/having too many books and I just gave more than100 away, so replenishing my library only seemed right.

Taking 20 minutes, I looked the whole thing over; opened every book that intrigued me. Then a light bulb pinged! It’s Christmas time, or almost. I should grab some titles for the book lovers in my world (One is to keep my non-reading hubby company, besides me, on vacation next month). Also, these book readers will swap after they've finished so I really have six to read, right?

And if you don’t know me super well, I will share with you my preferred approach to shopping for any gift. I employ the "One for You and One for Me" method.

So I bought these books. Three are gifts; three are for me.

 Guess which are which?

I also threw in “Downton Abbey” as a present possibility but I’ve been meaning to watch that series myself. I could probably watch it and re-gift it to my mother (she wouldn’t mind).

This is the reason I love Thanksgiving season. No gifts. I spend way too much at Christmas time with my approach to shopping!


  1. I know - like a kid in a lolly shop I can stand and stare for hours at books, my kids (who sadly aren't keen readers) just don't get it. Have been on a British author marathon with NW Sadie Smith, Martin Amis and over the pond back here to Gone Girl and Shine Shine Shine. PS I buy a Cosco card every year and then never go there...

    1. I don't know those British authors but will look the up. I've read "Gone Girl". I definitely will check out Shine, Shine, Shine.

      I do not like going there, obviously,

  2. Costco is one of my refuges- just love that place. So many good things to buy and look at.

    1. I know you love it. We just don't love the same thing!

    2. Well you better fix that. ;) There have been times at Costco where I have grabbed a book and walked over to the chairs and enjoyed a pleasant 15 minutes of reading.

    3. I tend to leave things in books so it would totally appear used if I got my hands on it. Nothing like a Diet Coke at Costco, I'll admit!

  3. I have never been to a Costco, but I do love books. And I'm going to guess that yours are the Ian McEwen book, The Art Forger, and the Create and Mind book. How am I doing with guessing this week? :)

    1. You guessed perfectly and I would read the other three (although stock broker one leaves me luke warm). The other 3 I can't wait to read.

  4. I want to watch Downton Abbey so badly! I'm already so behind, though, seeing as how I've never watched it. I'm one of those people who love Costco because their meat is so much cheaper than Jewel's, and I can throw it in the freezer.

    1. I am behind too. I meant to watch it last winter when I was away a lot but that didn't happen. I read instead. Maybe I'll dig in after Thanksgiving or save for vacation at Christmastime.

  5. I hate Costco, but not for your reasons. It's too big and takes forever to get through the place. And I don't need a package of six shampoos. I recently discovered the book section so this cpensates a bit.

    1. I hate the parking lot the most which just sets up my annoyance all the better. It's crowded with impolite people and it has way too much stuff...overwhelming. I go for the meat, wine, t.p., water and a few other things but end up with three books every single time! I only go when I absolutely must and no one else can go for me.

  6. Me too! I've considered getting a membership before, but I didn't think we would actually save any money. Partly because the prices didn't seem better, partly because I would just be tempted to buy a bunch of stuff I wouldn't buy otherwise. I agree it would probably ruin my mood to shop there too. Wal-Mart is bad enough.

    1. You probably save on some things BUT you spend way more than you ever intended each and every time. Drives me crazy! I can't even go near a Walmart.
