Sunday, October 21, 2012

Living Temporarily "Inside The Box"

It’s Stream of Consciousness Sunday at Jana’s Thinking Place. I always like to thank her for giving us a spot to drop our stuff on Sundays. I really like to write this way so here is her prompt.

Today’s (totally optional) prompt:

What have you done recently or would like to do that’s outside your comfort zone?




Absolutely nothing to report. I haven’t done anything recently that has been out of my comfort zone. Also, I have nothing on my mind that is out of my comfort zone (this is exceptionally atypical for me).


I’m trying to decide if this depresses me or if I’m okay with it. My life generally vacillates between way too busy or not anything to do; much too exciting or far too boring; craziness versus normalness.


Sometimes I really wish for more of a balance. I just don’t think my life is cut out to be that way even though my zodiac sign is one of balance, a sign that craves balance.


I guess I go more for balance in personal relationships than with what goes on in my life. I sort of just get caught up in the flow and hope it sweeps me either someplace fun or, at least, not too precarious. Hopefully a productive place as well.


So today.

This week.

This month.

Next month.

I’m predicting no excitement and no action outside the box. I'm also predicting movies and books and lots of them.


Fingers crossed for next year. Pretty please. There’s only so much lack of adventure and hysteria a girl can take.


Actually, I relish in the peacefulness of what most people would consider my boring life. And that’s okay.




So here are Jana's rules:

  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes.
  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
  • Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post (in the sidebar). .
  • Link up your post below.
  • Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.


  1. Perhaps you can step out in the type of books you read, or movies you watch (I've seen some great foreign movies that I could recommend). Maybe even the foods you and your family and friends eat.

    Good luck with finding adventure! Though, I am a bit jealous of your balance.

    1. I'm great on the book front but I'd love some foreign movie recs! Food... We eat a variety of ethniticity so I'm good there. I've been traveling way too much which makes me feel unsettled and never caught up. I've had a suitcase in my bedroom with a flow if clothes going in and out for a month now so this "lack" of action is welcomed but I hope not for too long.

    2. Horror, or romance, or action?

    3. Anything but horror. I can read it but not watch...since I was a kid. I dream vividly!

  2. I feel like I have been doing the exact opposite for a long time now. I am ready for the ordinary, mundane and routine life I once had.

    Been outside of my comfort zone forever, it looks warm and comfortable inside. Think I need to find the key.

    Movies and books sound good to me. I want to go see the Denzel Washington one where he plays a pilot.

    1. You do need that key. I'm actually looking forward to the uneventful which will only last until the kids bombard this house for Thansgiving.

      I believe it's called "Flight", the movie you are referencing. Remember when I went to Bikini Bootcamo last January and I wrote about the actor who accompanied his actress girlfriend? He is the co-pilot to Denzel Washington's character. His name is Brian Geraghty. He's a great guy but said Denzel was an a-hole.

  3. I would kill to be in my comfort zone right now. I am so beyond stressed these days!

    1. I hope you find some quiet peace sometime/somewhere, Tina. I'm excited for nothingness for a while because I know things will get much crazier around the holiday which are right around the corner.

  4. Well the good thing about reading - especially if its really good, you can't get lost in it - go where the writer takes you and live vicariously through the characters. I used to love Phyllis Whitley once upon of time (20 years ago AT LEAST) - just for that reason, it seemed like her characters always went somewhere and she was very descriptive. If you've never read one, chose a really old one. In her later writing years she started writing old. Maybe I'd like those now. LOL!

    1. I'll look her up on Goodreads. Thanks for the suggestion. I totally can get lost in the world of my book. And they tend to stay with me for a while after the last page is turned so when I pick up the next one, it takes me 50 pages to get into it because I'm still hooked or obsessing about someone else (a character from my last one).

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Exactly! At least I am reading a sequel right now "Dreams of Joy". And its been a year now and I still think about the people from Eyewall. I'm going to keep bugging you to read that one ;-)

    4. Try this again --
      Maybe Phyllis Whitney? She wrote mysteries for decades, living to be 104. Amazing author.

    5. Kenya!!! I promise Eyewall will be read after Gone Girl. I will fully review. Hee hee! Loved Dreams of Joybecause it's a great sequel!

    6. Julie,
      I will investigate Phyliss Whitney, too! Following your link. Thank you very much!

    7. Sorry chiming in late- Phyllis WHITNEY is correct. OMG I didn't know she lived to be 104 - wow - no wonder she started writing 'old' and what I mean was it wasn't fresh anymore and I was able to figure out who the murderer was - something like that. Only one title comes to mind even though I read a bunch, but see if you can start around the time of the book Vermilion.

    8. I'll check her out Kenya AFTER I read Eyewall! Thanks, girl.

  5. "...movies and books and lots of them" sounds like heaven to me. I haven't had to time to read for pleasure lately - something I usually do a LOT of. I miss it. I'm itching all over to finally read 'Jane Eyre.'

    1. I'm excited too! I've been much too distracted lately. Saw four movies so far this weekend. Hope to see another later this afternoon (Argo). I haven't read Jane Eyre in so long. Maybe it's time to revisit her!

  6. Call me boring but I like calm. Or should I say, I don't like surprises. We are very busy and crazy but it's stuff that I know. I don't like the out-of-the-blue things. I doubt your like will stay too quiet for too long.

    1. I've been living a crazy life for six months. I'm ready to have peace and calm. Then my first weekend home in my house in more than a month, three college boys show up for a surprise visit. So it goes! I love out-of-the-blue things. They seem to happen regularly.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You seem pretty categorical, adamant. I wonder why. I understand that life is a series of wash-rinse-repeats for most of us (and that's not a bad thing, per se), but not even a little surprise here and there? How can you be so sure?

    1. My life has been far too crazy which I'm used to but I believe I have a calm patch coming up with no travel plans. I'm looking forward to just being home and routine. I don't have kids at home (college) so that element is gone. I'm sure there will be fun little things that come up. I love surprises so maybe there will be some like this weekend when I unexpectedly had three big boys in the house who ate through the frig and kept me up far too late. Fun times! Those are awesome surprises. And I'm never sure about ANYTHING!

  9. Libra too, huh? Oh the balance we crave. Good luck with finding yours.

  10. Thanks. I'm always putting in the effort! I want quiet for now. That would help me feel balanced!

  11. I guess that, from the outside, my life probably looks calm to the point of coma.

    There's a lot going on inside - inside my life, inside my head - that does make me appreciate a good book / movie / Sunday doing nothing more than reading lovely posts (like this one) and sharing my thoughts.

    1. Julie,
      It is amazing what you just said. There is a lot going on inside my head that no one knows, just my stuff. And books and movies and Sundays and sharing my thoughts becomes perfect. Thank you so much for getting me!!!

  12. Interesting take on the prompt. Or interesting response, I guess.

    I think that there is surely at least one thing you've done that you hadn't planned on doing, maybe reacted to with a GASP! And then went ahead and did it anyway ... no? (I'm totally bsing here, I don't know you well enough to guess, I'm just pushing to see if it works!). But either way, I think it'll come for you. It always shows up for us all when we least expect it - I'd say. :)

    1. OMG! Yes, of course, I have done a million things that I never planned on doing or I did. I was a bit of a wild child, always! I was just saying that, lately, I'm glad for the quiet that's coming or hopefully coming. I've had so much going on, craziness nonstop, that enough already. I've become used to nuttiness. I now want peace! I need a break from it showing up.

  13. I love your encouragement to write stream of consciousness! I am doing a lot of writing right now for a class I'm taking but it's very focused and not wide open like this. I'm looking forward to having more time to do what you're talking about. Hope you're having a great Monday :)
    xo Mary Jo

    1. I would love to take a writing class. I'm jealous! I hope you get to just write, whatever, sometime soon! Monday has been wonderful. Hope yours was too!
