Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tiger And DA BEARS!!!

Even though I feel I’m losing my mind, I do know that it is not Sunday, the day on which we do Stream of Conscious Sunday at Jana’s Thinking Place. I'm writing what I want to write for five minutes and it's unedited. Pictures were added outside of the time limit because I'm just not that fast!


Now is the only time I have…in the car, driving home from Indy after watching a day of golf at the BMW Classic tournament. Why did I had fun, not being a big golf fan? I love love love to people watch. This was PRIME viewing, IMO.

And as much as people are still hating on Tiger, I still like to watch him play. So, while the guys followed a few other dudes of golf, my girlfriend and I walked with Tiger. He’s stunning to watch in person.

 (Photo courtesy of Google Images)

The real reason for my excitement tonight is tomorrow is the Bears home opener.

I am a football fan and have been since I was a little girl. In my house, you watched it every fall (and baseball the same way every spring but only as a CUBS fan) whether it was Pop Warner for kids, high school (watching my brother) or DA BEARS!!!

It's time to break out the jeans!!!!!

So my guy is out buying whatever it is we’re cooking tomorrow in some random parking lot somewhere down in the loop. I actually know the spot because it’s always the same and under the “EL” tracks. I can smell the Webers now! 

Can't wait to head over to Soldier Field to see the team begin their surge towards the Super Bowl. And every year we think the same thing... they’re going (kinda sorta). Until all the key players get hurt. Everyone is healthy (except there are rumors surrounding Urlacher) and ready to show baby Luck and the Colts who’s DA BOSS in Chicago! (Springsteen is here tonight speaking of...)

It has the makings of a perfect fall day!!!

(Matt Forte and Jay Cutler, photo courtesy of Google)


  1. To be a Cubs fan is to ask for pain and punishment year in and year out. The Bears haven't been the same since the Fridge was big and McMahon is really suffering from some of the hits he took.

    But I have to say that I am more than a little bit excited to watch my guys in Oakland begin another run.

    Sadly it has been a long while since we won a Superbowl, but we are on our way back.

    1. Well. We haven't been the same since the mid-80's but we always focus on potential. Poor McMahon. He's in really big trouble. Game turned out well but they didn't look good!

  2. I am SO not into sports. But I'm a man's wife and a boy's mom - so I try ;-) I'm all for breaking out the jeans though.

    1. Jeans and sweater weather are my favorite. And fall is my very favorite season! I'm soooo happy it's here.

    2. Mine isn't for keeps yet. I can't get too excited. I just enjoyed being chilly earlier today while wearing a tank top and shorts.

    3. I enjoy that chill too. We are up and down but it's on it's way! September and October in Chicago are the best months!

  3. Oh, I hope you have a great time today! We're all about college football, notsomuch pro, but I totally get it. It's time to break out the jeans here, too! YAY!!

    1. Everyone here is divided on college teams. It was a gorgeous day in the city today. I LOVE jeans weather!

  4. No offense, but I strongly dislike football season simply because the restaurant beside my apartment complex hosts a party from about 6pm-3am for every home game. I live less than 2 miles away from a college football it's pretty noisy. If it wasn't for that, I'd enjoy football a whole lot more.

    When I move, I'll probably say, "Football season? That's exciting! No more loud unwanted noises for me! :D"

    1. On boy! If I lived where you do, i would certainly feel the same! I hope fall brings you mellow Saturdays!

  5. Everyone I have ever known from Chicago was, is and always will be a huge Bears fan. Don't know what the score is of game but I hope the Bears win.

    1. It was a great day. Gorgeous and sunny! Yes, we like our teams here especially the Bears. Thank you for visiting,

  6. Breaking out the jeans?!?

    I'm all for jeans all the time, all year long.

    Hope your team's season is with few detrimental injuries!

    1. It's been so hot here so I haven't worn jeans as much. Loving this cooler weather.I love my jeans. It's the way I like to go out.

  7. Wandering over from SOCS ...

    Great post; took me back. Went from DH1: mildly interested in local sports, to DH2: rabid fanatic of all sports, to DH3: "Isn't there anything else on?"

    Me? I'll watch anything (but roundball) in person, and totally love curling. Go figure.
