Sunday, September 23, 2012

Eat This!

Yep! It’s Sunday again. Truly can’t believe it. Yet one of the best things about blogging on a Sunday is knowing a place, Jana's Thinking Place, where I can throw my random or prompted stream of consciousness writing.

Fortunately for me, but maybe not so for you, I’m going rando!

Five minutes with my phone’s stopwatch set and then I will post without editing. Oh, lucky you!


I will start by saying that I love food. My tastes run the mill of just about anything except Cheetos. Not a fan. Also, I don’t care for anchovies unless they are chopped up itty bitty. Everything else pretty much goes down the hatch. Oh, but I wouldn’t even think of eating sweetbreads. I will add those.

AND I'm a card carrying member of the clean plate club, just so ya know!

So I had the great fortune to dine at a favorite spot for brunch today. It’s a rather newish restaurant in Chicago’s Little Italy (one year maybe?). It’s called Davanti Enoteca. If you are ever in our fair city, hit it up. Lunch, Dinner, whatever. It is outstanding. Italian tapas. I digress...

On the weekends, in the morning, they open up their street front giant doors and sell fresh homemade donuts. They are on display for anyone walking by.

Okay, this may indeed gross some of you out but I just HAD to have the donut of the day. Today’s donut!

It was a soft and plush yeast raised long john (so moist that you thought there might be some custard inside at first), glazed generously with maple frosting and lastly, and most importantly….

A way thick strip of applesmoked bacon.

It was just about one of the most delicious sensations I have ever eaten. Not kidding.

If you ever run across something that looks like this (arrow pointing down)….EAT IT! You will not be disappointed. 


  1. What IS that? A donut thing with bacon? I don't like bacon, but I'm all about some donuts. Now I'm hungry. Do you deliver?

    1. Oh, Jana!!! Who doesn't like bacon? Of course some don't but really think of it as a package deal! This marriage works so well!!!

      For you? I would deliver!

  2. Wandered by from SOCS ...

    Now, you've done it! I don't have any bacon - or doughnuts - in the house and I desperately, urgently, frantically want them.

    This isn't that far-fetched, really. Picture a plate of pancakes with maple syrup, and a side of bacon. (in my case, it would have to be two rashers.)

    They're bound to get mixed up before the plate is clean - aren't they? Why not save a step and put them all together from the get-go? And this way, they don't require plates and silverware.

    1. Julie! It's the perfect breakfast, I wholeheartedly agree!!! It was perfect. Sweet and the same time....delicioso! It is not far fetched at all because it makes total and perfect sense to me AND to you! Finger food!

      I will come to see you over at your place! Thanks for the visit.

  3. I can introduce you to people who don't eat bacon. I bet you already know a few...

    1. Of COURSE, I do! It's not for everyone for many, many reasons.

    2. Just checking. I hear once you turn 36 things happen to your memory. ;)

    3. JACK! You are cruizin' for a bruizin'! That's what I always used to say to Matt when he was naughty!!! I'm 36 upstairs, for sure, AND sharp as a tack! Now, if I didn't happen to hit my head...

    4. I don't know if cruise is the right word. Maybe saunter, stroll or even sashay. ;)

    5. You are stirring the pot or digging a hole or something...You're trying to get yourself in trouble!

    6. I have four sisters who allege that I have never ever had to try to get myself in trouble. I don't know what they are talking about.

      I am just a guy who likes to give the world a big bear hug hello.

  4. Now I'm hungry. I eat Turkey Bacon but I'm pretty sure I'll never find that combination. I knew someone once who rolled eggs and bacon into his piece of French Toast - syrup and all.

    1. You gave me an idea! I'm not much of a pancake girl, which I know is used to wrap up the eggs and bacon but I LOVE LOVE french toast (sometimes I even coat it in granola which is very decadent!). I would have only one problem with the idea though....I never mix my food together. It's one of my many quirks!

  5. Darn. I needed to have read this before I went to your fair city. (Which I loved by the way.) It had been years since I've been in Chicago but we went up to see my father-in-law get an award. The dinner was at the museum across from Soldier Field. Would have loved to stay Sunday and see the Bears play but alas we had to travel home. Maybe next time and next time I can have the bacon donut too.
