Monday, September 3, 2012

A State Of Mind, While You See A Chance, Paint It Black, Sweet City Woman, The Heart of the Matter!


So as I’ve mentioned a few times this weekend, I’ve puttered and meandered and flittered around not accomplishing one darn thing. What I did do a whole lot of was listen to music.

I listened while working out at “The Stairs” this morning, with ear buds in while driving (is that illegal?) and turned up in the house to keep me company while everyone was away doing their own thing…. and I was doing mine.

I’ve never participated in Monday’s Music Moves Me but because music does just that to me, moves me in more ways than one, I decided to participate on this holiday Monday (before anyone arrives home!). I found this through Stacy Uncorked and her cool friends.

My iPod was shuffling through one of my more interesting and favorite playlist. And these songs happen to come up right in a row. Each has special meaning to me, takes me back to very specific times, places, and people. 

Gina…Go be a productive member of society now and accomplish something other than YouTube surfing. And don’t get on Stumble Upon or any other such site. K?


  1. When I meet people there are two things I always want to see:

    Their library and their music collection. It is fascinating to me.

    1. I agree! I take their music tastes into consideration more than their literary. That's not to say that doesn't fascinate me, too. I read all kinds of things, almost anything, so I won't ever judge anyone based on what they've read or liked. But for some reason, I think you can tell more about a person by their music. I don't know. I'm talking out my rear. I just like people who love books and music. Period!

  2. Whoa new comer here huh? Well guess what we're in the same city! I'm your latest follower, nice to meet you! Not only that great minds think alike because we both came up with Alicia Keyes and JayZ LOL Guess we have the same taste in music. Love your choices, and I sure hope you come back again next week too! Have a rockin' week!

    1. Hey Dolly!!! You're in Chi-town too? Well, I like you already and for choosing one of the same songs as me. Love "Empire State of Mind" but the version with both of them. You have an awesome week as well. I will be back because I love music and I waste a lot of time listening to it (NO. It's a hobby of mine so it is NOT wasting time, IMO) Thanks for following me!

  3. Well, you have got some great collection here! I love your choices and if you are enjoying listening to music, you are doing the right thing! Mine is here
    Have you an AWESOME WEEK!

    1. Thanks, Shakira! I came over an listened to/watched two of the Korean videos you put up on your blog. I will listen to the rest later. Loved them! Have a great week, too!

  4. Love having you dancing with all of us on Monday's Music Moves Me! Your music picks are totally movin', groovin', make me feel fine all day sounds. Now following you, my friend. Next week's theme is "Music you listened to as a teenager" or "Blooper of any kind". Hope to see you next week, and bring a friend with you! =D

    1. Thanks so much, Cathy! I hope to continue because it's right up my alley! I can totally do music from teenage years. That is the time my love for rock started and when I became a concert addict! See you next week and thanks for the follow!

  5. I'm so glad your love of music brought you to us! Welcome!

    I love your list! Thank you for sharing and joining with us!

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Me, TOO!!! Thanks for liking them! Have a great week as well and see you next Monday!

  6. Yay Gina! I'm so glad you decided to play along! Especially because I absolutely LOVE all your song choices. ;) Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for next week, too... (hint, hint!) :) Have a great week! :)

    We Got Us because I Like Girls That Drink Beer, Truck Yeah! Is That So Wrong? But We’re Never Ever Going To Get Back Together – That’s Why I Pray.

  7. welcome aboard and if music is moving you then it's doing what it's meant to music is life around these part we don't go a day without listening to something. Really enjoyed your choice and love you had a variety of songs.. thank you for joining
