Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Chance Encounter and Car Wash Cards

Decked out in a fancy-ish sundress with heels heading to a 50th birthday party, I had about 10 minutes while the department store wrapped her present to find an awesome card for a stunning and special friend.

I LOVE card shopping and truly enjoy finding the perfect one. It’s almost like an art…being a clever and thoughtful card giver. Almost like being an outstanding present giver, which I like to think I am as well doing much better at giving than receiving.

Ten minutes in a card store + ME = Not long enough!

I was lured into my favorite card store, Papyrus, by a large sign in the window.

“Buy Three, Fourth Free!”

Who am I kidding? It didn’t matter if the cards were on sale or ten dollars each. I needed one in the next few minutes.

And yet… I wasn’t the only one operating on the “Let’s see how close we can cut it” schedule, for an important event, shopping at the very last minute on Sunday of Labor Day weekend. On the same quick pace as me was a smartly dressed guy. 

Seeing him first in the Neiman Marcus ladies department (obviously shopping for a wife or lady-friend), browsing the home gifts area and then, again, behind me at gift-wrap. And guess who showed up next door at the card store all in a hurry?

When the door jingled signaling the arrival of a new customer, I heard a deep voice say “Hello”, in greeting to the store clerk. 

Then, “You’re in the same boat as me.” said the same voice while looking over my shoulder.

“Looks like it.” I replied glancing up but also thinking, “Let’s respect personal space, Pal!”

I was a little nervous because I’d be spending the next ten or so minutes standing close to this stranger. Why? I like to card shop alone. I often burst out laughing, definitely giggle, at the raunchiest ones or even slightly inappropriate where my eyes generally gravitate. They tear up (okay, tears do stream) more than occasionally at the sentimental and thoughtful cards. It’s what I adore about card shopping; the emotions, thinking of a person, the PRIVACY!

Apparently, this dude wasn’t going anywhere and was in it for the long haul or in both our cases about 15 minutes until our presents were wrapped. We remained relatively quiet for the first few.

He laughed first. Loudly. And I immediately thought, “We’re going to be okay here together.”

Then I giggled and he asked, “Which one's so funny?”

So I handed it to him and he laughed louder than me. Recognizing a kindred spirit with the same stupid sense of humor is always a relief. We looked directly at each other for the first time and smiled.

Reaching around and across each other, being just a little bit in each other’s way, he suggested as he knelt down, “I’ll take the bottom half and you look at the top. Then we’ll switch.”

“Huh?” was all I could think but said, “Sounds like an idea.”

We had a good partnership going on here. Finishing with success, I approved his selection for his friend and he, mine.

I grabbed a few extra because it was 3 for 4 after all! Besides, my friends know they get their birthday cards from me whenever I find the “right” one without regard to the actual date of their birth.

Reaching the door first, I held it open for him to pass. He thanked me graciously and returned the favor at the next one as we headed into Neiman’s to collect our gifts.

I never caught his name even though we’d spent virtually the last hour together.

As we rode the escalator up from gift-wrap stacked with our packages, I said, “You should try the car wash in Hinsdale sometime. They have the very best cards around.”

“Sounds like an idea.” He said with a smirk.

It’s always very interesting to me reflecting on the people who randomly cross our paths. You wonder if they ever will...cross again.

Do you really expect or want them to and what does it mean if they do?


  1. This is such a great post! I think about those chance encounters, too. If anything, it's a funny little memory to look back on.

    1. It is funny. Sometimes I run into people again and other times, I don't. But I ALWAYS remember a face and time shared with someone. It was a pleasant hour and a funny little memory to hold.

  2. I love Papyrus! It is my favorite store.. and the fact that I never have to get nekkid and stare at myself in a three-way mirror has NOTHING to do with it! ;)

    1. Of course, I love it too! Yes! And no darn fluorescent lights to change under. OR racks of swimsuits either! Those mirrors should all just crack.

  3. I only ever cross paths with the lunatics again. You know the ones who wear their PJ's in public and talk or hit themselves.

    1. Hahahaha! I hope that's not the case. I'll have to be on the look out next time I go to Fuller's to have my car washed (which I never do, btw, as I have a sweet man who does it for me!). Maybe that changes...

  4. Awww you are such a nice stranger. I probably wouldn't have lasted that long. I would have faked not finding anything and then I would drive to another card store.

    1. Not when you're in a total pinch, Kenya! He was nice, in a bind as well and not too intrusive. When he thought I was funny, I thought he wasn't half bad.

  5. Love, love love this vignette! Now I think of it, I can stare all days at cards, even the crass and cliched ones! Especially the crass and cliched one. And funny too to think of all these different people in your life that you've shared this moments (hours) with...

    1. And my car wash has the most crass cards around. I generally stock up when there as does everyone else. Clever of them with us having nothing to do but wait! I shall never see him again but I will remember this, without doubt!

  6. I enjoy chance encounters with strangers. At least like the one you mention here. I'm shy, so running into a friend or acquaintance makes me nervous trying to come up with small talk. But having nothing invested with strangers I'm more at ease. Nice story.

    1. I like them as well. I seem to have them regularly. I get what you mean about being more at ease. That makes perfect sense. Thanks!

  7. I'm a card person too! I really loved this post. It moved along nicely and was thoroughly entertaining :)

    1. Thanks, Carrie! I love receiving cards given with thought (and a lovely written note inside definitely helps) better than gifts. Wait...they are gifts just lighter!

  8. I love meeting nice strangers. I mean, I don't go out of my way but it's refreshing compared to ignoring everyone.

    I love card shopping too but often then forget to send them (so lame!).

    1. I don't go out of my way either. Funny but people usually will talk to me even though or because I'm minding my own business. If someone engages me, I will generally converse. I'm just not the first one to engage in most situations.

      That's why I'm in the habit of sending them when I find them. My friends know to expect the unexpected card on their doorstep!

  9. “I’ll take the bottom half and you look at the top. Then we’ll switch.” Sounds vaguely like you were being propositioned, but I have sick mind sometimes.

    1. Either my mind works like your or that's what was going on. I felt he was trying to be clever and so as not to encourage anything, I just responded and went about looking at the cards. I got that vibe a few times although he was sure to be very subtle about it.

  10. I am not much of a card shopper. Always feels like a bit of a waste to me, but growing up my family never did much with them.

    My middle sister married into a family who goes crazy with cards. Now she is been assimilated into the collective and I find her coming up with all sorts of crazy stuff.

    I have to agree with Joe, the guy sounds like he was interested in a Hallmark moment.

    1. I love them!!! Giving them and receiving them! I grew up with cards and notes so it was very familiar to me. The stuff out there is just nuts and so very funny. It becomes a challenge to find just the right card for a certain someone. I love the inappropriate ones and those go to a handful of like minded friends!

      I'm with you here. I know a flirt when I encounter one. It might have made a cute commercial with me not paying him a ton of attention but he WAS nice and funny.

  11. Aw, what a nice moment! I can be a bit standoffish with strangers. Being nicer pays off.

    1. That's what surprises me sometimes, Gia. I am definitely standoffish with strangers. Maybe some strangers like that and it becomes interesting to them? I don't know. I'm very nice but you'd have to start the conversation if I didn't know you.

  12. I love cards too!!
    I really enjoyed reading this. It truly does make you think more about chance encounters... :-)

    1. Thanks, Dawn. I think about chance encounters especially when I've had one. You wonder...

  13. Oh I have a story like this that ends in HEARTBREAK. This was such a lovely read. Very fun.

    1. Ohhhhhh Noooooo! Can you tell it sometime? I'd definitely read but then I'd probably cry which I do often when I read stuff that's heartbreaking! Thanks fro enjoying it even though it brought up a sad memory.

  14. Replies
    1. Love them especially giving them but also very much enjoy receiving them from friends I know who choose carefully and thoughtfully, like me.

  15. What a fun moment! Sometimes I think people get so wrapped up in their own agendas that they don't leave room in their lives for encounters like this. I'm glad the guy didn't freak you out and vice versa! And that you found the car that was perfect, too!

    1. Strangers don't freak me out. Well they might if it was on a dark street or something but not generally. I have a pretty quiet demeanor if you don't know me so I can't imagine I would freak someone out but I could be wrong. And I wouldn't likely start a conversation either unless it was with a cashier or something. We both found perfect cards. That was the fun part!

  16. I tend to gravitate toward the funny cards, but I try to pick out the ones that match the personality of their recipient, too. I think this would make a great scene in a romance novel!

    1. I enjoy that part too, matching to a friend's personality. Thankfully some have my taste in humor so I have free reign on the selection ;-) This would make a great scene. SOMEONE!!! Write it in!

  17. I really enjoyed this piece. Funny though, I generally don't like to chit chat with strangers. I don't know why, because when I'm forced to, like on a plane, I usually find the meeting enjoyable...well, tolerable! And I hate buying cards. I don't mind looking for the funny ones, if they're appropriate for the occasion. But I hate looking for the serious ones, because they usually have, at least, a part of the message that I don't agree with. Anyway, so even though you are describing two things that I don't like to do, I like your piece because I appreciate that you seem to enjoy these things and do a great job writing about them.

    1. Thanks, as always. I don't ever/usually start any chit chat. It's not me. That said, I will respond and speak to someone who speaks to me. On a plane...I may say "hi" but I use travel time as my reading time and I don't appear the type that you'd interrupt, or so I've been told. I don't watch the movies, I don't chat much and certainly won't if I don't know my seat mate. I'm never rude.

      Usually my cards are all funny except maybe for my mom and dad (but they get two, one funny and one serious). If I'm going the sentimental route for let's say my husband or a dear friend and I don't like all the silly gush, I buy a blank one and write my sentiments inside in words I like. Works for me!

      I enjoy them when they are fun. Certainly don't enjoy the awkward ones. Had a few of those, too.

  18. I LOVE LOVE LOVE greeting cards, too! Great post. I think that chance encounters with strangers are fun. Every single person out there has a story, don't they? I thought for sure you were going to say that you ran into each other at the same party!!

    1. Another favorite thing of mine to do is people watch. I love to imagine their stories! Everyone has one, you're right. That would have been hilarious. It was a big party. However, I knew who most of the guests would be but you can never rule out a surprise or two!

  19. Don't tell anyone, but I keep a file of cards so I can send them as needed. Hallmark loves me.

    1. So you're the one keeping them in business. I buy very few from Hallmark theses days. I know people who do just that! That might be why I send cards right away regardless of dates. I fear misplacing that file!

  20. My sister is the expert at finding just the right card. She always does such a wonderful job of putting such thought into that. I am terrible at remembering cards and when I do need a card for a gift I often delegate to my 5 and 6 year old girls who LOVE making cards.

    Random encounters are such an interesting experience. Sometimes I think that not meeting again allows us to remember the moment just as we want to and leaves it pure. -LV

  21. Ohhhhh! When my kids were little, they made ALLthe special cards! I love that!!! Memories! Now, it's something I really enjoy doing ( I love buying presents for people, too)

    I ABSOLUTELY agree with the purity of a moment left just as it is....untouched.

    Thank you, LV

  22. I'm not a card person, but I know so many people who just love it. And how nice to have had such a random encounter that you can remember as a pleasant one. I wonder if you'll end up seeing him at the car wash one day buying cards!

    1. It WAS interesting.

      If he wants the best of the best and funniest, he will patronize the local car wash. My car doesn't get in there often (enough) but I walk to it sometimes, just for the cards.

  23. I'm the same way with cards-inherited it from my mom and it takes forever when we go card shopping together! Kind of neat that you had a potentially awkward experience turn out well :)

    1. My mom is too! I love spending time reading them. Not the standard Hallmark ones but at a nice card and paper store where they have crazy and unusual stuff or...the car wash! It was fun/funny, for sure.
