Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Art Of Goosing Someone

Write a 33-word response using the name of an animal as a verb


Rein in your excitement.

Take moments to be certain.

Glimpsing a profile definitely helps

Before running up to goose someone you think you know.

It’s inappropriate to touch strangers

And embarrassing.

Mostly awkward.


  1. Great take on the prompt and a fun poem. But, I have to ask. Do you know someone who made this little mistake? I'd love to hear how that came out!

    1. Thanks, lumdog!

      Well...of course I do. Let's just say someone has learned to tame their exuberance and impulsiveness a little. Hasn't everyone made a similar mistake?

      Actually, I do have a funny story from this week. My daughter, off on a far away college campus, was walking to first classes and saw a guy from our tiny home town up ahead of her. She ran up and jumped on for a piggy back ride. It didn't take long for her to realize her mistake. He didn't mind and said he'd give her a lift to the library.

  2. You definitely capture the shame/embarassment of impulsivity. I know it well. :)

  3. Loved how the progression went on... from inappropriate to embarrassing and finally to awkward. Like taken right out of a little Miss Poo-Poo Book of Social Conduct.

    1. Thanks, Marie. Maybe that book should be reviewed and re-read more often by some people?

  4. Wise advice you pass along here. I haven't goosed a stranger, but I have mistakenly put my arm around them, which is equally embarrassing.

    1. I'm full of all sorts of useful advice like please refrain from touching strangers! I've thrown my arms around more than a few, mistakenly of course and admit the other as well. Sometimes you just want to crawl in a hole and hide. I'm getting better though!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Tina! I love it when I can make you laugh!

  6. Haha! Nothing more awkward getting the goose. I liked this one Gina! :D

    1. Yes, you're correct and that goes for both giving and receiving. It's made me scream before and turn beet red.

  7. Goosing, oh so funny! Yep could be inappropriate and embarrassing. Loved your piece!

    1. I'd go a little bit further than "could be" here. It IS both. Thanks for thinking it's funny. I enjoy when I hear that!

  8. Why do I feel like I'm reading the voice of experience?

  9. ah! ive done that before! its definently wisest to confirm who it is before 'goosing' a stranger!

    1. Yes, it is wise and only takes an extra moment. Glad we're never alone and others have done the same.

  10. "goose" was a good one to pick :)

    1. Well, thanks. It was the first thing that popped in to my weirdly wired brain.

  11. I will neither confirm nor deny having made a mistake while goosing someone.

    What I will say is that when I was in school I had a similar experience to the one you described your daughter having.

    I was also "used" as transportation from Point A to Point B. Funny thing was we both thought we knew the other person.

    When the girl jumped on my back I was certain it was a different friend so I took off running and then made a point to lean against the wall to catch a break.

    It wasn't until then that I realized I wasn't carrying who I thought was. Oops.

    1. Josh! How are you?

      I'm sure YOU have been the gooser. And I believe you would be used for such transport. Took my daughter a few seconds to realize it wasn't her friend. He didn't seem to care either way but why would he with a girl on his back?

  12. No way, no goosing for me. I am far too shy, but I am built for transport. Every time someone moved I always got sucked into helping.

    As for having a girl on your back, well it does make for a good ice breaker.

    BTW, I expect to put together a post about The Princess Bride tonight. Probably won't go up until after your bed time.

    1. Uh huh...too shy?

      I wonder if she ever saw that poor guy again. Should ask.

      Can't wait! An all time favorite movie and I seem to like people who like it. We share a common sense of humor, romance, intelligence and a bunch of other stuff no doubt! Will it's placement be obvious.. I mean which blog? Can't wait to read it. It will be too late for me even though I've cultivated my night owl tendencies!
