Friday, July 13, 2012

Over Staying Your Welcome

My childhood best friend came to visit us at the lake with her husband and daughter. And they should not have come.

Their marriage was in shambles and we were certain they’d cancel. However, they thought spending time with a couple in a happy and healthy marriage would guide them through this extremely rough patch. Lucky us, right?

My guy, gone for one night due to work obligations, left the entertainment of Al to his best friend who happened to be having a “guys only” vacation. And the guys wanted to go to “Stimilators” (yes, spelled this way and a strip club).

Refusing to heed a stern warning from his wife, her hubby went “along for the ride” proceeding to get really loaded. At 1:30 a.m., a terrible altercation ensued, as did a black eye. If I’d been awake, his A#@ would have been thrown in jail.

Waking up the next morning, confused and still drunk, he searched for his phone in a total state of panic. Not finding it, we insisted he retrace every step of his night including “Stimies”. Dragging my guy, who wasn’t even involved, EVERYWHERE in desperate hot pursuit. They were gone for hours.

What was on that phone besides important phone numbers?

His wife, not trusting him with good reason, snagged it while he was passed out and proceeded to look through EVERYTHING. Never mentioning a word as he tore the place apart looking.

I felt terrible for her.

Sitting at the end of the pier with his phone resting on the table between us, neither of us talking just staring out at water. And thinking.

Without so much as a single word, she picked up his phone, took a running leap and chucked that baby into the water as far as she could. I’d say about 20 yards, 6 feet deep.

When they got back with no phone, she and I looked at each other. All I said was, “You should call it. Maybe someone will answer.”


Author’s Note: So my guy was kind of pissed at me when he found out she had the phone the whole time and I knew it but let him go on a wild goose chase for hours. The phone is still out there somewhere!


This weekend's prompt is borrowed from Benjamin Franklin, who once said, "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days."  We want you to tell us a story about a guest, invited or otherwise, who begins to smell, metaphorically or otherwise, after three days.


  1. Wow!!! Gina that sounds like a scene out of a book. To the now soon to be EX - I say, "That's whatcha get."

    1. This actually happened four years ago August and even though an attempt was made to reconcile, they are long since divorced which came directly after.(they never should have married in the first place, IMO.)

      I haven't spoken with him since, refuse actually. Not because of the cheating but because he swung at her and connected. (she's a bitty thing and he's 6'2" 190lbs. Not that this matters at all)

  2. I LOVE that she chunked the phone, but I wish she would have kept it for court...hope she got his a$$.

    1. She already had detailed phone records of his phone (numbers called, time/dates, number of texts, etc.) So much for his firemen's retirement pension because it's now divided by two. Never should have married him in the first place.

  3. Good for her for making him sweat it out, but it's too bad you were caught up in the middle of their dispute (not a fun position at all).

    At least the divorce gave her an easy way to drop 190 pounds :)

    1. It wasn't fun. I'm glad I didn't know HOW she got the black eye (she got up early that morning and went to the gym. Said it happened there). If I had, I would have taken a stab at him myself. I am not a tiny, bitty person like her and I'd be more able to hold my own. She couldn't.

      Dropped that weight faster than the law would allow.

  4. great story! I take it they are divorced now? (and maybe she visits you solo for happier vacations?)


    1. They've been divorced probably close to three years. She is visiting the first week of August. Their first time back since the incident. Can't wait!

  5. Ah, the breakdown of a marriage through the years. I hope your friend has peace of mind now. Good for her for taking care of business. Hope your visit in August is amazing.

    1. She does and she dumped him so fast his head spun! I can't believe they are somewhat friends but I guess you have to be if you have a child together. I can't wait. The last time they were here it was the Olympics and it will be this year as well. I'm stoked, for sure!

  6. What an excuse for a human being! I'm glad that she ended up chucking him out too!

    1. Right on his A$$ and she was strong and brutal about it, but it's exactly what he deserved. He should pick on someone his own size next time, like me! I would have given him a good fight, I'm sure of it!

  7. I loved the throwing of the phone! Perfect ending to a bad marriage.

    1. We actually laughed REALLY hard after she did it. And were both shocked, too! Then we pinkie swore neither would say a word. That phone really did represent their marriage, under water and sunk. She didn't speak to him for the next 4 days.

  8. Gina, glad you were there for your friend.

    1. Me, too. I just wish she would have fessed up to the physical part when it happened but maybe she didn't want me reacting the way she knew I would. If I had a scary side, it would have come out or I could have thrown him out, at the very least.

  9. I love this post. Sadly, I relate to your friend in the bad marriage. I was in one of those myself. I was also drug along to many weekends with his friends, all while playing the dutiful wife. I'm sure that your friend was glad for the company. Those days SUCK. Of course, so did the divorce, so she's got even better times ahead. Aren't I just a ray of sunshine?

    1. She's way moved on now. It was long overdue and I liked him, even loved him. He was a part of our lives for a long time. I never dreamed in a million years that he would lay a hand on her (I would have bet on it). That was worst of all. (I initially advised her to work through the cheating part, at least not make any rash decisions until she had all the facts). After this, however, I wanted to wring his neck with my bare hands! You are an understanding ray of light!

  10. I hate the realization that a marriage should have never happened. Sucks. Also, we always have that instinct that says something ain't right. Damn. I get where your guy was mad you let him run around, but some things just can't be helped, right?

    1. They got married when their baby was one. He never wanted planned on getting married or having kids but it just happened that way. He never really got into the "groove" of a married life (fireman's schedule 4days on, 4days off). Not that this is ALWAYS important, but they didn't have enough in common, shared interests and desires...a wrong fit, IMO. I supported this marriage from day one (beautiful Hawaiian ceremony) until the day of the incident.

      The guy, not knowing here, needed navigational help to get around to a strip club, two bars and a pizza joint. My guy, being the host, felt obligated but yeah, he was mad at me until I explained the whole thing. They share a birthday, and some things in common, so the guys talk a few times a year. I don't. Although, he did call me last week and I did speak with him....briefly.

  11. This really does sound like a movie or tv show!!

    Glad you survived and glad they decided not to stay together.

    1. True stories are sometimes crazier and worse than fiction. I survived just fine and she's free of him. All good!

  12. Wow! It's hard to be in the middle of all that and not jump in there to help your friend. You did much better than I probably would have.

    1. Let me tell you. If I'd have known, at the time or shortly thereafter, that he hit her, I would have attempted to smack the crap out of him. Really. I'm not a little person, like her, and that's a line that just doesn't get crossed. Period!

  13. Wow. What a great post! I was on the edge of my chair.

  14. Thanks so much for linking up with Trifecta this weekend. Please remember to come back and vote for your top three posts!

  15. What a great story! There's a terrific sense of sisterhood to it, just under the surface. I wonder if she could have chucked that phone into the water without your quiet support.

    1. Gal,
      She is a sister 'til the end of time. I think you hit the nail on the head. I don't think so. With us sitting there quietly thinking, I think that gave her the gumption to actually do it. Feed up to the brim! She's there for me when I need here, too, which makes a great friendship!
