Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Do you sometimes feel as if the world is conspiring against you? That it sends out the big guns, even Brooklyn Decker, to remind you of what you cannot do?

I swear she was placed in the changing room of the MRI department to taunt me. I didn’t even have to rearrange the magazines to see her. She was just there... perfectly airbrushed, beautiful curves and all!

 Burn Mega Calories – Would love to but can’t!
Build Lean Muscle- Had them and want them back!
Sculpt Sexy Curves- Love them and always a goal!

Yes, indeed! I’ve been complaining, A LOT, about not being able to move, exercise, burn off steam, and everything that’s awesome and true about intense exercise. It helps me tremendously but particularly with my attitude and state of mind. It chills me out and when those endorphins kick in, I’m the happiest girl in the world. Just ask my family!

If you’ve been reading here since I started or even a month ago, you know I tend to talk about exercise more than a little bit. I love it! I love activity of any kind; bike riding, boxing, running, cross training, swimming. I love rope workouts. I love doing it with my friends. I love the sense of accomplishment; being hot and sweaty from it’s intensity. But mostly, I love what it has given my body and my mind…a very healthy, fit look and loads of clarity.


And now SHE turns up to remind me of what I can’t do. Again, I’m not complaining but I'm certainly whining just short of pitching a fit. I want that part of my life back. My old life! And as Veruca Salt from “Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory” says, “I want it NOW!!!”

Here’s my biggest question. It is rhetorical! I know the answer but I’m refusing to let it make sense at the moment.

How can you go from being in arguably the best physical shape in recent memory, working out hard since the beginning of December, to completely out of shape in a mere three weeks? Something is definitely wrong with this equation.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying I was the skinniest I’ve ever been, because I wasn’t. I was very healthy and very fit. I was embracing my curves and my muscle tone. I was feeling great and clothes were slipping on smoothly. I worked hard for that!

Now, I just feel scrawny. I’m not a small person in stature but I feel little, or littler, physically and mentally. Pants are falling off of me and not in a “Hey, I look good” or “You can never be too skinny or rich”, kind of way. It doesn’t look healthy at all and I don’t like it one bit.

Seeing that magazine this afternoon reminded me of what I already knew. It’s about being healthy, strong and sturdy, and I can be that way again, just not today.

Tomorrow, I can begin to change that. Why? Because I love strength. I'm very attracted to it physically, mentally and emotionally; in myself and in others. 

So, I’m going to walk down the road and hand deliver a thank you note for starters. I’m thinking there’s nothing wrong with holding some straight armed planks and doing push ups if my shoulder can handle it. I can throw in some stationary lunges if I’m feeling chipper. And that's how I’ll start building my strength back, beginning tomorrow. 

And yes, I did lift the magazine from the waiting room table. I have to go back for results at the end of the week, so I’ll have the opportunity to return it!

But first I want to learn how to “Be Happier Every Day”, “Flat Belly Secrets” and “Healthy, Yummy Bikini Friendly Ideas”.

Right now, I’ve had as much of this day as I can handle. I’m placing Brooklyn Decker on the pillow next to me and we are going to take a nap together. In a platonic way, of course ;-)

Mama’s Losin’ It
2.) Tell us about the last thing you complained about. How was the issue resolved?


  1. Ok what in the world happened? I saw your comment on my blog(thanks so much btw) you're a sweetheart!
    But your neck!! OMG!

    I've been taking a break and need to catch up on a lot of reading. Then I came back but as it turns out I needed a bit more time so I took it.No I have more reading....

    I guess you are to some extent OK if you're writing but really Gina are you OK OK?

    Ps I have left a little something for you on my blog!

    1. You have been gone a really long time and I've missed you!

      Ummmmmm! Well, I had a pretty devastating accident 3 weeks ago in which I broke my neck and not just a little (in 3 places and one being very bad). I'm one of the lucky ones who is moving from the neck down; most aren't. With that being said, I'm okay and I will be okay. Everything works and that should continue down the path. I'm just frustrated with the recuperation which I understand takes time but........I'm sick of it all already!

      Thank you! I will come and see. Just what I need to cheer up and stop feeling sorry for myself. Personal pity parties suck!

    2. You are an amazing woman and I think crisis like a freekin broken neck deserves whatever you feel like giving it and if that's pity then pity away my friend. Especially since you're living with the realization that it could have been so much worse. In my opinion that's major stuff to deal with. I'm SO glad you're ok!!

  2. Well GIna you are on a roll. I never feel like I'm away long and when I come back you have written a hundred posts. If you mentioned it, i had NO IDEA you were recuperation. You are amazing and I hope you will be feeling amazing soon. P.S. I just ate a piece of pound cake and swear I feel a pound heavier because of it. I started off the day so good with getting my old body back and then I made a cake. DANG!

    1. And I just ate 4 peanut butter cookies for dinner because I didn't feel like cooking. Dang is right! I can't bake, because bake means eat and you will NEVER see me turn down a sweet. EVER. Sweets are true meal replacements in my book!

      I haven't talked too much about my situation, maybe just around it.

      So, I have nothing to do but crank out posts and I'm writing all kinds of other stuff just because and just for me. My word count in the last two weeks must be approaching 30k, at least.

      Start again with the "good" eating tomorrow. There's always that.

  3. Hello Gina. I am new her at your site. I read from the comment thread you had an accident and I am glad you are recuperating.

    I loved your idea of walking and giving thank you notes for starters. I believe if our body yearns to get well fast, we might just be surprised that we got our wish sooner than we hoped for.


    1. Hi Sarah! I'm so excited that you are here!!! I promise to try to never be boring!

      I'm writing thank you notes now and will take that walk which is .75 miles there and back. My body is responding well to healing but I'm just bored as heck! I'm used to being active (even though I can chill with the best of them).

      Thank you for your good wishes. I'm going to stop dwelling on this now!

  4. i'm glad you are okay and on the road to recovery. butter cookies for dinner doesn't sound bad at all:)
    strength can sure be beautiful.

    1. You know I love sweets! I would have eaten 4 cupcakes if they were here! Yummy dinner, I agree.

      It sure is beautiful in my eyes.

  5. I hope you get your work out and that how much and what you can do grow exponentially :)

    1. Thanks Amanda. Haven't gotten off my butt yet (Dang, it's hot outside) but I WILL!

  6. Hey, you just suffered some major physical trauma! Give yourself a break--after what you've been through? Your brain is over it, but it will probably be another three weeks before your body catches up. Just don't overdo it, please, and expect that it is going to be all uphill for a bit. Baby steps!

    1. Thank you, Nurse Tina, for watching out for me. I haven't gotten off my ass yet today. Not feelin' it! There's always tomorrow. I promise not to overdo and will take baby steps. It's just driving me bonkers.

  7. I truly is not fair how fast you loose fitness. It's so easy to gain a pound but so difficult to take it off. Why?

    Stopped by from Mama Kat's

    1. It is difficult to take off. And it's amazing how fitness level, when not working on it, diminishes so quickly. I've actually lost weight from not working out and loss of muscle mass. Not that I had big ones but muscle does weigh much more. It just doesn't look as good, IMO, when it's less toned. I'm a psycho though about exercise sometimes.

  8. I get sick of the stars post baby bodies. And all the perfection magazines portray. It is just not realistic for everyone.

    1. Someone recently brought me The National Enquirer's bad bathing suit bodies edition. I was so all over that. Secretly, I love seeing it because it is reality. I've read articles about all the airbrushing and modifications mags do to models. No, none of it is realistic!

  9. Gina, I'm stopping over from Mama Kat's, and I'm glad I did. I'm so sorry to hear about your accident but I'm thankful you'll be ok with time. I wanted to thank you for giving me a different perspective on being able to work out. I struggle with feeling "too big" "not small enough" and "just plain old flabby". But I forget how lucky I am to be able to go to the gym and work all those feelings out. Thanks for the reminder and I hope you're able to start moving more soon!

    1. Awn! I'm so glad you stopped by. I feel the benefit of exercise is mostly the mental, attitude adjustment, side. Sure, physical results are great but certainly not the be all, end all. It's the stress reduction and rush afterwards that keeps me doing it. The mags aren't realistic but the are visually gorgeous. We owe it to ourselves not to get sucked in.

      I'm great and I will be fine. Can't wait to be active again. A healthy body, and mind, never goes out of style!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Stopping by from Mama Kat's. I'm sorry you've been sidelined. Way to battle back.

    I try from time to time to exercise. One day, I'll feel the endorphins, I know I will.

    1. Thanks, Maggie, for coming to visit. I'm doing great just frustrated not to be as active as I'd like.

      There's nothing like them and once you get over the hump of the responding muscles, you become addicted like me. Okay, maybe that's not a great thing but I love it.
