Monday, June 4, 2012

"Just Once"

Never before conceived; never desired and never done. Not by her. 

And she felt inexperienced. She was new to this. 

There weren’t many areas in her life where that could be claimed. She’d done pretty much everything that held her interest. She'd done a lot.

Whose idea had it been?

"Just once."

Spending only twenty-four hours with someone you’d “met” but not really “met” yet really needed to meet. Someone whom you felt you knew but didn’t because you'd never laid eyes on them before which is important in knowing, isn't it? 

The clock's pace seemed more rapid than normal, exceptionally so. What felt like only minutes, even seconds was hours. They sensed immediacy in every moment as time quickly ticked.

She said she’d always hated them, goodbyes. Possibly him too, yet he seemed okay and that’s exactly what she needed. 

They chose a quiet park for a last walk and the air felt wonderful; so fresh and exhilarating. What caused the goose bumps on their flesh; the slight chill or proximity of the other? Something passed between them, constantly; feeling equal parts magnetic and electric with an unimaginable, almost painful intensity. 

Arms encircling each other tightly, they alternated radiant hugs and shared heartbeats with long thorough gazes. Both trying to memorize and imprint every line, angle, lash, tooth, iris, freckle, bone, curve, muscle. Heartbeat. 

When their departure was imminent, her eyes brimmed and a solitary drop spilled. He quickly caught it with his lips just as it passed her cheekbone.

Agreeing to only one glance back and a wave, they smiled the biggest smiles they could knowing they’d both be okay. With that, they separated walking backwards for a few moments noticing no one else on the street. Spinning, she blew him a kiss and never turned around again. 

This never happened. And yet, maybe it did, only in their entirely separate minds. It couldn’t have happened any other way. 

Trifecta Writing Challenge: 33 to 333 words
NEW (adjective)
1: having recently come into existence
2 a (1) : having been seen, used, or known for a short time (2) : unfamiliar 
     b : being other than the former or old
3: having been in a relationship or condition but a short time <new to the job> <a new wife>


  1. I love reading your posts! Beautiful!

  2. This was packed with emotion - and I really like the last paragraph!

    1. Thanks, Janna. I liked the last paragraph, too. We meet so many people online so my mind went on an imaginary journey from there.

  3. This is excellent. An encounter so well described, and love that left turn at the end.


    1. Thanks, de!

      Sometimes, left feels right.

  4. The relationships that start online are strange, aren't they? The combination of knowing and not knowing. I like where you took those possibilities.

    1. You know but how could you really? I guess you could mostly but there's always that visual (looking into someone's eyes), body language, physical piece missing that's important in REALLY knowing someone, at least to me. It's interesting. Thanks for liking :-)

  5. This is such a great post. It is a perfect meeting!

    1. Thanks, Mags! A perfect meeting in their minds!!!

  6. Thanks for linking up this week. I love your detail about how they agreed to only one glance back. I love the idea that they needed rules to contain their emotion. Nice job. Hope to see you back for the weekend challenge.

    1. Goodbyes are hard enough. I personally hate them and always say "See you soon" with a big hug even knowing that might not be the case. Very emotional, for sure.

  7. Oh I love this. It feels like internet lovers meeting, but perhaps not meeting. One note - 'whose idea' not 'who's idea'. That last tear is a great moment. I want them to have a second date!!

    1. That's what I thought, internet lovers meeting for the first time but...not.

      "Who's" corrected! Thanks. Fast fingers sometimes!

      I suppose they could agree to a second date, if both their entirely separate minds.

  8. Love this line: "Something passed between them, constantly; feeling equal parts magnetic and electric with an unimaginable, almost painful intensity." Great work!

    1. It's a wonderfully intense, exciting, incomparable feeling that kinda hurts at the same time because it borders on too much. I decided to give this to them.
