Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happiness, Harmony, Yoga - Stream of Consciousness Sunday

Over at All Things Fadra we do this five minute Stream of Consciousness thing on Sundays. Here is my Sunday stream. It's jumbled, I know, and unedited but it's supposed to be. Also, outside of my five minutes, I added the picture, caption and source.** So really it took me 6 minutes.


So many things, people, quotes are touching me lately, especially lately.

I am not much of a Facebooker,might check it a few times a week to see if there are any birthdays I should be remembering, I don’t tweet, I don’t PIN. I’m slightly disconnected from all that. I don't know if that's good or bad or anything at all. I don't even know why I bring it up now except to explain how I use my computer time.

I suppose I spend most of my time writing stuff. The majority of what I write, like most bloggersI'm guessing, NEVER ends up out there for public viewing. It is, to me, a major release. Some of it is good stuff, some of it inappropriate only for certain eyes and a lot of it just not very good writing. Just stuff. My stuff.

But I did go on Facebook today and one of my friends shared this. And I love it! 


I love it so much that I’m going to get back into yoga this very minute, or as soon as Monday comes, so I can achieve this sometime... soon. First things onbackbend. this is a quad/hip flexor killer, btw. My guy doesn't do yoga and isn't the least bit flexible so I'll have to figure out something. 

As I perused the snippets of pictures and quotes right in front of my eyes (I haven’t even begun to dig yet and I will), I was again, touched.

I can’t wait to spend more time reading this peaceful Facebook page. God, I hope friends don’t see me on there and start IMing me. It feels weird, like spying.


**The caption spoke to me as well. It is from the Facebook page “2012 Healing the Planet”

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity 
but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony."


  1. I love the photo! I don't intend to EVER try the pose but I love yoga and I'm in the process of looking for a class!

    1. To me, it's like art. I love the physicalness, romance, beauty, peacefulness.....

      I, too, love yoga and I'm picky when it comes to doing it (with whom and where). It is definitely instructor driven. I need to connect with them in order for it to be the right fit for me. Good luck finding the right class.

      I like physical goals and I know exactly the person to work with me on this. It will NEVER look like the picture, but it is doable with lots of work.

  2. I love this photo and the caption!! I have been doing yoga and stretching lately, but don't know that I could eve do that.

    But happiness being "balance, order, rhythm and harmony" -- love that!!

    Good luck trying to get that pose down!

    1. It's a goal! I've been doing too much forward motion stuff (running, stairs, biking) so I'm not at all properly balanced physically. I need to get back to working on flexibility and I need the mental and spiritual aspects of practicing yoga, as well.

      Love the caption too!

  3. Dang, can you fall in love with a couple in a photo? Love that!

    1. YES. YOU. CAN! I did but hands off, Kenya. They're mine!

  4. What a beautiful quote! I'm so going to steal that and put it on my desk so I can look at it when I feel out of balance. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Your welcome! Steal away. I apparently did too from a FB page.

  5. my girlfriend and i did yoga, and we have big plans for doing it regularly. the idea of becoming more flexible is too appealing. but i never realized there were be such discomfort in the stretching:)
    i also think there's a lot of value in writing stream of consciousness. and thank god most of what i write doesn't see the light of day:)

    1. I'd love to do it as a couple but my hubby is not interested. Not his thing. I hope you do do it on the reg. To me, flexibility = strength, in many ways. AND there is a ton of discomfort in yoga and I love the mental challenge of that as well. Yoga is hard but you gain so much more.

      I like to write this way, good for me and not so much for readers sometimes.

  6. Wow! Great photo and inspiration. I don't think Hubby and I could pull it off. I'm 5'4 and he is 6'4 :)

    1. You're tiny and he's tall!

      We could based on height (6'1" and 5'8") and strength. Our issue would be a lack of common interest in yoga and the tension on that guy's hamstrings with legs perfectly straight and feet extremely flexed would be a mother to achieve for most guys.

  7. Loving that photo!!! Wonder if I could trust my Husband enough to lift my bones like that. :)

    1. Isn't it incredibly beautiful? You are correct, it is an issue of physical trust. Almost like a reverse airplane we used to do to the kids.

  8. Hi Gina,
    I found this photo on Flikr from 'myfavefotos'. Is that you or do you know how I can get in touch with this person as I would like permission to use the photo on my website? Please email me back on
