Monday, May 14, 2012

When Opportunity Knocks, I Always….

Answer...well 90% of the time, I do.

Occasionally my enthusiasm and curiosity lead me on a "curvy" path and I’ve been bitten in the butt a few times by “the knocking” but most often my gut has been solid and trustworthy.

A teensy (no brainer, I might add) opportunity presented itself yesterday, which was too alluring to pass up even though clothing would be an issue.

I’m not leaving this spot!

Calendar Schmalendar!!! Nothing so very important on mine this week that a bit of rearranging and a few phone calls won’t resolve. Plans (“yea” to getting out of golf), responsibilities at home…out the window they go! Chuck them all!

I can’t help myself. This week’s weather forecast proved too irresistible (mid to upper 70’s and full on sun). Plus the children asked me, “Why would you leave when we’re here?” and the “old girl” has fewer steps to navigate and everyone is happier. How could I leave?

So what if I only brought clothes for two days of cooler weather. Right? That’s what Walmart shopping is all about. And, in reality, the kids probably want me around so I’ll cook for them since they’re working all day (Did I really say I’d have a pasta night tomorrow for you and all your friends?). Still not seeing a problem. And it’s not to say I have no responsibilities here. I do. But nothing I can’t drag outside!

The only person who might think he is on the receiving end of a short stick is my sleeping buddy. I know he’s green with envy at the moment and wants to be here too. I’m sorry you have to go out and get that bacon this week. You do a really good job of it and I very much appreciate it (even though you don’t read this, I’ll tell you this exact thing tonight, okay?).

Looking on the bright side for you, what guy (or girl) wouldn’t like to have five days of free time to themselves? Eat all the chips and salsa you want. Veg out on the couch and watch Seinfeld (or Curb) or basketball until your brain wants to burst and without someone asking you to turn the volume down a smidge. Remember, I’m always available for a late night chat. Hey, we’ve never skyped. That might be fun!

Today…It’s only me, my book (Helen Keller In Love*) and those Amish fishermen out there.

I’ll spend some quality time working on my “pecas” while enjoying this day, this week.

* I will most definitely write about this book very soon. Pretty sensual stuff, if you think about it…


  1. Gina,

    Interesting book and I'd like to know what you think when you get a chance.

    Your day looks amazing here! We too have experienced some warm temperatures {finally!} and I'm loving it.

    Enjoy the time with your kids.. they are off and running too quickly.


    1. Hi Leslie,

      So it sounds to me like you've read it? I will write about it for sure and if I don't see you back for it, I will email you my thoughts. Interesting so far considering her disabilities but I'm liking it. For me, it raises a ton of questions.

      I haven't moved much except to eat and grab water. My son really wanted me to stay (unusual) probably because he's been here for 8 days cooking for himself. His comment, "A big bag of potatoes only costs $2. Why wouldn't people eat them more?" My reply, "I lived on potatoes, Kraft Mac n' Cheese and Diet Coke for years."

  2. five days of chips, curb and second-round of nba playoffs sounds like a vacation to me, and that's the truth. you have the right idea.

    1. I should think so. He can get his man groove on which he's very good at, btw.The only thing better for him than playoffs is college ball (Go Hoosiers!) or D. Rose not getting hurt.

      I just spoke with him and he sounds great. Apparently doesn't miss me...yet ;-)

  3. Wow, that first picture looks exactly like the view from my backyard in the house I lived in a couple years ago on the bay, and oh how I miss it.

    1. Hey! Thanks for coming by!!!

      It's really hard to leave so I didn't. It gives me great peace to be here and just stare at the water. Could do it for hours.

      Lucky you having a backyard like this and, of course, the missing it. We actually call this our front yard (Yep, we do it backwards here).

  4. So wonderful.

    I need a day like this.

    I know no opportunity will present itself, I'll have to create it.


    Glad it was there for you, sweet lady.

    1. I will put in a wish for one just for you!
