Friday, May 4, 2012

The Waiting Game Meant Reading Time

And I continue to wait. The sound of every car driving up the street causes me to turn.

Since I had the whole day to long for my darling to arrive, one snuck in late last night, it seemed the perfect reason to sit on my front porch and read. So, about 11:30, I planted myself on the couch.

And I read…

And I read….

And I read….

The weather was just gorgeous. With a slight chill in the shade (gets sunny about 3:00), I grabbed a blanket and wrapped up. The dogs relaxed quietly at my feet, slept and lazily sunned themselves.

Now, if she would just walk through the door… otherwise, I’m going to grab the new issue of People Magazine that came in the mail!!!
All is really good. 
All is absolutely fabulous.

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