Tuesday, May 8, 2012

SNL Fifty Shades of Grey Spoof: Because I Just Had To...

(Note 1: I posted this last night and don’t know where in the world it went. Not a techie, so sorry for the confusion.) 
(Note 2: Warning: Slightly Inappropriate Content) 

My friend just texted me about the Mother’s Day spoof they did on Saturday Night Live this past weekend. We both read all the books so she knew I'd be very interested plus I do love SNL (especially those crazy women). I didn’t have the opportunity to see it live so I caught it on YouTube.

It is absolutely hysterical! Even more so if you've read the books.

If you are at all interested, click on this link.

(Thankfully my reading these in March went completely unnoticed so I didn't have to answer any questions)


  1. Oh my goodness this is such a riot! I don't know what was funnier, the look on the husbands faces like they never engaged in a bit of "happy time" or the kid with her mothers battery operated you know what and thinking she's gonna do a bit of karaoke with it! I almost peed my pants!

    1. Ya, right? I'm not sure what was the funniest part to me so I'll say all of it. Ok, maybe it was karaoke. Almost died at that point. I've watched about 5 times now and crack up just as hard as the first. Easy to pee your pants here so we have to watch out!!!

  2. Now I have to read this, watch the SNL skit and get the popcorn thingies - so much to look forward to!~

    1. You have lots and lots to do!!! Love being "fun" busy!

  3. I laughed so hard.

    Did you see Kirsten Wiig doing The Tanorexic mom?


    1. Yes!!!! I LOVE KRISTEN WIIG and am a huge SNL fan. I can watch her dry expression and sense of humor any minute of the day!
