Tuesday, May 29, 2012

She Senses Something...

She doesn’t feel like anything about her life is headed towards decay, not even faintly close. She senses something, though, because the first telltale sign begins, the pinch between her eyebrows. This, historically, is a clue. 

She can also tell by her dreams; sometimes waking with a faint smile crossing her lips accompanied by a floating, blissful feeling. Other times, drenched with sweat and feeling so freaky she sits straight up chilled to the bone. Thoughts were filtering into dreams and contemplation replacing imagination. Of what is never clear. 

What the hell is going on? 

Nothing dramatic's happening in her life; nothing has changed at all. Nothing she knows about, at least. Nothing that's outwardly apparent.

Yet…she DOES sense something.

So what then? 

Is there an impending fork in the road approaching unexpectedly, or merely a slight swerve? Can’t really see from her angle. Shoulders hunch up to her ears in wonderment, thinking hard of all possible crossroads. 

She's often had this feeling in the past, when seasons were changing. Is it as simple as that?

Does it mean anything or absolutely nothing? Probably both, but requires consideration nonetheless. She often describes it as a sixth sense and sometimes becomes restless anticipating things on the brink. She is used to the feeling though. 

Her gut is impatient and jumpy sending signals, “I know. I know what it is”, yet her mind is saying, “Girl, just be patient.” Or is it “Someone” else putting those thoughts in her mind affecting her rock steady path?

It feels both exciting and scary; this feeling she knows but doesn’t know.

Where is that Quija board when she needs it? 


Is it time to pull out the big guns?

Her Magic 8 Ball or her Tarot Cards. 

If only she could read a crystal ball...

Trifecta Writing Challenge

I haven’t used a Quija Board or Magic 8 Ball since 7th grade when I wanted to know if Henry French liked me back.


  1. Oh, I remember the quits board and 8 balls from sleepovers! This would be a good post to whisper in the dark!

    1. I just found mine in a box at my parents' house and made me think about this. Thanks for the information on your writing workshop. I will stop by and check it out.

  2. Meant to add, you might like I try my writing workshop hop....

  3. i can relate to this post. i feel something coming, but don't know how to gauge it. does it mean something or absolutely nothing. both, as you predict. and never how i suspect. so what' the point? i don't know!:)

    1. That was exactly my point, Ed. I sense stuff too but try to exercise patience until something becomes apparent. I usually don't worry too much about it though. I generally have my hands full with whatever is going on day-to-day to pay the vibes a ton of attention.

  4. You're right - it is time to get out the board. Strange weather we've been having and it's discombobulating me no end...

    1. You mentioned your crazy weather in your post. Ours was hot as Hades but the hotter the better as far as I'm concerned. Weather can be discombobulating, for sure.

      I hear you're sending the cool wave my way! I may have to turn over the Magic 8 Ball to see if it's true!

  5. I like this a lot - Those crazy feelings in the middle of the night that make you wake in a cold sweat. Is it nothing? Or is it more?

    1. Thanks, Kelly! I really don't like to be woken for much so freaked out and drenched...not my idea of fun. Try falling back to sleep then!!! My mind always spins so I'm slightly restless by nature.

    2. Gina, thanks for coming by. I don't know if you tried to link up with my writing workshop hop but the linky is working now and so is the button – I'm no pro at coding:)

  6. Oh, I hate that feeling! You do a beautiful job of capturing it -- those little things, the faint sense of malaise that doesn't seem to be about anything. Well done.

    1. Well thanks, Annabelle! It starts as an inkling and then the antennae go up.

  7. Dang, I thought I had a cure for the pinch between the eyebrows- that beautiful magical potion called Botox. But, there just ain't no cure for that freaky feeling except maybe the magic 8 ball.

    1. Hey Real!
      Your first sentence totally made me laugh. Right on target girl! No cure at all for the freakys! Just need to wait them out. Thanks for visiting!

  8. Love this. The Magic 8 Ball reference made me smile. And I get this: "the pinch between her eyebrows." Often.

    1. Thank so much! Ya, when I found it last week, I had to work it in somewhere.

      That part is truth! That's how I know, even subconsciously, that something is "up"...and happens often too.

  9. What happened between you and Henry French? Don't you dare go all 8 Ball on us and tell me to "ask again later."

    1. Oh, I'd shake so hard to avoid the dreaded "ask again later."

      Henry was really cute and very smart and so nice and more shy than me. We went steady for two weeks in 8th grade and decided neither was ready to kiss each other or anyone (which all the kids were doing) so we said, "Friends?" We then went to different High Schools.

  10. I'm glad you gave up the info on Henry - I was curious about that :)

    1. You all are notorious for having inquiring minds and how can I refuse a direct question from Gal?

  11. I was just telling a friend that I wished I still had my Magic 8 Ball to help me with my big life decisions.
    I guess change is in the air.
    Thanks for linking up. See you tomorrow for the weekend prompt.
