Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pizzas? A Trailer? Who, Me?


Date Night.

Big, Juicy Rib-Eyes.  Lovely Wine. Banana Cream Pie!!!


Lively Conversation.

I Still Like You!


Interesting exchange during a recent date night:

Him: “How do you feel about trailers?”

Her: “You mean living in one? Not wild about it.”

Him: “No, I mean buying one. A flatbed trailer.”

Her: “What exactly do you mean? Why are you asking?” 

Him: “I saw this thing on the news. In Seattle. These guys had a wood burning pizza oven on a flatbed trailer and went around the city making the most awesome really thin crust pizzas. They sold 250 a day. You know Chicago totally supports street vendors.” 

Her: “Soooo. What does this have to do with us?”

Him: “Well, you know my business has completely changed so I’m thinking about our future. We would just need to make enough from the pizzas to cover our living expenses. We could use your last name.” 

Her: “So you'd use me for my name? That's it?”

Him: “Yeah. It’s Italian; it works. Oh, don’t worry. I didn’t mean we’d be working on the trailer really. We’d hire people eventually.” 

Her: “Let me run this back so I really understand what you’re saying. You want to leave the Stock Exchange and become a street vendor. Sell pizza from a trailer. With me."

Him: “You don’t think it’s a good idea?”

Her: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Actually, she doesn't think he was.

Often times, truth is stranger than fiction.


[Hour Shower Update:  Gift for 1:00a.m., fine bottle of tequila and shot glasses. (Decided choice belonged in the hands of the one who knew the couple better) Found out 2:00a.m. gift is Advil, a case of water and a 4 pack of DVD Movies. Perfect combination. Best news (to me), we AREN'T attending. Woo Hoo!!!]


  1. hmm. I think I'd rather sell pizza too! Good wild.

    1. So would he. Could be really fun AND "good wild", too! Being in the city and eating the profits.

  2. I can certainly think of worse ways to make a living... I'm not sure I could really be near pizza all the time, though. Too much for my willpower!

    1. Sounds kinda fun, actually. He's ready for a change for sure (29 years of crazy stress on the floor). He'd do fine being around pizza all the time. I, on the other hand, lack willpower around anything resembling pizza!

  3. Smelling the pizza all day? I'd O.D. on pepperoni and cheese. Nothing good can come from that. But leaving a job in an office? I'd do pizza if that was an option. And glad you got out of the shower! Well, you know what I mean.

    1. My favorite pizza is the one above. Next fav is pepperoni (hopefully spicy). A fat person comes from that! He works on the floor of the exchange with no windows. In the winter he goes to work in the dark and comes home in the dark. He doesn't see the sun until the weekend. He's ready to scram.

      I was going to say, "How does she know I'm in the shower?" which I was. Then I remembered the update below!

  4. You know, when you're telling the story this sounds like such a great idea. But my husband is always coming up with this kind of craziness. I giggle and say "whatever you think, sweetie." But it is a little wild, and they never actually fly. You do have to let a man have his fun, though. :)

    P.S. We currently have a snowcone truck for this very reason.

    1. I'm the crazy idea person in the family and he's the one to say "let's give that some thought." He's practical which keeps me on the straight and narrow. So when the subject was raised (on the heels of a pizza discussion in general), I knew it was quite possible he was serious. We shall see where this takes us.

      I LOVE the snow cone truck. See, you can do something like this! Very fun!

  5. Talk about delivery!! Yum!

    1. I'd be the head of marketing and I'd find a way to ship you pizzas for free. Whenever you wanted them.

  6. i like the idea, but of course i would:) it's funny how you react to it.

    1. Of course you would ;-) !!!

      It was funny, to me too, how I reacted because I full well knew there was more than a morsel of possibility to it. He wasn't just messing around. He was feeling me out. Secretly...I'd be in!

  7. I think the travelling pizza thing is a fun idea. Who knows, it might work!

    Love the hour shower gifts. Too funny!

    1. Once we get it set up. I will let everyone know and it's free pizza all day long!!!

      In Chicago, done properly, it would certainly work!

      Happy to send a gift and not attend.

  8. Damn, now I want pizza...I wonder if that trailer delivers ;)

    1. Who doesn't want pizza?

      That trailer certainly could deliver OR ship! It can do anything! I guarantee the pizza would be fantastic.

  9. That does look INCREDIBLE! I sometimes feel like the husband in that conversation - as if I'm getting ready to buy a proverbial trailer and make my family into pizza slaves.

    1. I would do just about anything for a pizza like the one above including making them for a living. Well maybe. I'd make the world's best taste tester, for sure. I'm usually the wacky one in the family so this came out of left field, literarily. Change is good, right?

  10. That does sound like fun and yum, although it is a lot of work, too. But hey, street vendors make the best foods, and that pic up there looks amazing! Good luck with your decisions!

    1. The topic was just brought up again on a long car ride. Could be reality. Would make awesome blog material at the very least and maybe lead to a Food Network show. Who knows?

  11. I love that you tagged this, "Are you kidding me." Your voice is so distinct and consistent, from the heading right down to the label. That's something to be proud of. I hope you value it about your writing. (Sometimes when we take from our real lives we don't appreciate the craft that goes into the story telling.)

    1. Thanks, Gal! So if this happens, I'm going to call you from the AON lobby and you have to bring every one you know down for pizza! Deal? And you were perceptive to note the way I felt from beginning to end!

  12. My best friend nearly left her private counseling practice last year to run a taco truck. No, I'm not kidding. The appeal of just a job and not a career is strong. This post makes me want pizza. :-) Thanks for linking up! Hope to see you back soon.

    1. I think that is exactly it. He's had the stressful career for just about 30 years. Now he's thinking it's time for something fun and more mindless.I will be as big as a house!
