Saturday, August 31, 2013

Trifextra: I Hate Him Haiku

"I hate him! I DO!!!

He teases and steals my lunch."

"Because he likes you."


Write a haiku say the wonderful editors at Trifecta.


brudberg said...

Ha.. that was an unusual and strong haiku

Unknown said...

Straight from the schoolyard. Love the crush twist what a great break.

Sandra said...

This is a rite of passage for school-aged kids, isn't it? Great haiku, Gina!

Gina said...

Thanks, Bjorn! Don't know why it came to mind but probably seeded from the thought "go back to grade school" and remember the haiku! It was fun!

Lance said...

I like this one. It's different and universally true.

Gina said...

What's better than a crush? At any age, really. Thanks for the comment, Bill!

Trifecta said...

There's a lot of passion and intensity in those words. Just like in grade school:) Thanks for sharing!

Thomas Charles MacInnes said...

Some snow down your back?
Maybe a ponytail tug?
Boys have such smooth moves.

We were all such a bunch of pimply-faced Romeos, Gina! Honestly, I cringe when I think back to some of the "smooth moves" I pulled, all in the name of Grade six love. Excellent choice of topic and of haiku! :)

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, those were the days when it all seemed so simple!

Jen said...

I remember him! Good one Gina :)

Tara R. said...

I can imagine him pulling pigtails too.

Gina said...

I remember quite well. Thanks, Sandra.

Gina said...

Thank you, Lance. I think it happens to every girl at some point.

Gina said...

I remember saying it just line that to my mom. It is frustration expressed as hate but not hate at all.

Gina said...

I have had a live locust put down my back, lunches stolen, spiders smashed on me, all in the name of boy/girl games. Fun times! "Smooth moves" are hilarious to look back on. Very cute. Thanks for liking my haiku!

Gina said...

It was simple and stolen lunches were our only problem.

Gina said...

Yes, he lived on my street and his name was Ken. He's a doctor now. Pretty funny.

Gina said...

I had very long hair that hung over the back of my chair. The chair had screws in the back holding it together. He used to twist my hair around a screw so when I got up, my hair would pull and I'd be stuck. Mean!!!

Ken said...

And so it goes. I wonder how many school yard crushes started this way? :)

Gina said...

It's timeless. And it will continue!

Valerie Boersma said...

Oh, I remember those grade school crushes! This was really a sweet piece of writing:) Well done!

steph said...

Sweet. It made me smile. So evocative of youth - the essence of it, as they say in the language of haiku. So nice.

kymm said...

Oh what wise words. And what a fantastic haiku!

JannaTWrites said...

:) This takes me back to school more so than the act of writing a haiku!

Kir said...

I am trying SO HARD to have the boys actually just LIKE girls instead of teasing them (of course...then stories like this would be moot right? where is the tease, the passion etc?)

remembering all those boys who teased me and stole my lunch, books, and eventually my heart. <3

loved this. Hope to catch up soon my friend. XOOX