Friday, July 19, 2013

Trifextra: Blackness

Moonlight illuminated the pier like a stage. 

A solitary teardrop fell making a ring in the dark water.

Her body sliced its glossy surface.

And she swam.

With no plan.

Fading into blackness.


Stage   Ring   Water

Use these 3 and add 30 to total 33. These are this weekend's Trifextra rules.


Kir said...

I am so glad you are back and writing. This was beautiful and telling. A moment of her own.

WELCOME BACK my friend.

crystal said...

Good writing.

lumdog2012 said...

Lovely poem. It tells a much bigger story than the 33 words seemingly represent.

Samantha Brinn Merel said...

No way! Welcome back! Hope you had a great trip. So glad to read your writing again!

Gina said...

Thanks, girl. Snuck this one in amongst the company arriving! You understood it precisely. We all need our moments by ourself. This one just happened to be in the middle of the night.

Gina said...

Thanks, crystal!

Gina said...

It's about finding time. Thank you, lumdog.

Gina said...

Hahaha! I missed you! Not back back but a little bit back. My trip was nothing short of absolutely amazing. At some point, somewhere, I need to spill my guts about it. Thanks for the enthusiastic welcome, Sam!

TMWHickman said...

Welcome back for however long you can stay. Beautiful and eerie!

Ivy (Mommy Dourest) said...

I imagined she was impulsively escaping an abusive spouse (or some other hopeless situation) under the cover of darkness. I think I watch too much Lifetime Movie Network.

Beautifully understated piece. :)

Draug said...

Awesome imagery, and great use of "stage" in particular, imho.

lumdog2012 said...

Yeah. I forgot to say, welcome back. I missed your creative and enjoyable pieces.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes swimming without a plan is just what we need.

barbara said...

sometimes you just have to swim. :) Good to see your entry.

Anonymous said...

Ah! Beautiful... and agonizing. Loved your words..

Suzanne said...

Beautifully written Gina!

Gina said...

Thanks again lumdog! I'm sort of here, maybe. Re-entry is going to be slow. Have to spend time with people right now instead of here. The time will come!

Gina said...

Thanks, Tina. I love the water at night. My mind wanders. Stimulates the dark side of my imagination!

Gina said...

Oh! What's that creepy movie with Julia Roberts where she escapes in the water?

I have no idea if this woman was escaping anything or taking a few moments for herself.

Gina said...

Hey, thanks!!! It's exactly what I think, what a moonlit pier looks like. Sometimes even a runway if the moon is right.

Gina said...

I'm more about swimming without a plan these days. Everything is always so structured. At least in my life. Lets see where the moment takes us.

Gina said...

And swim! Thanks, Barbara!

Gina said...

Oh! I love agonizing!!! That captures the emotion I was going for! I appreciate your comment very much!

Gina said...

Thank you, Susanne!

Anonymous said...

A wonderful use of the three words.

ShreyaKashyap said...

Ahh ... A possible rediscovery of self ! Brilliant take on the prompt ...

My Inner Chick said...

And she swam.

With no plan.

Fading into blackness.

I Like!

Unknown said...

Your story brought peace and solace to my mind's eye...then I thought about a shark...yikes! This was a beautifully orchestrated 33 words and a romantic use of the prompts. Kudos :-)

Debra said...

You paint the sadness so clearly. Great write!

Bo said...

I love the thought of swimming off with no plan. Alone time can heal so much.

Trifecta said...

Beautiful work, Gina! You made the scene feel so real in so few words.
Thank you for linking up!

Jen said...

I've been a horrible blog visitor. Boy do i miss your beautiful writing.

Anonymous said...

Oh.. that is lovely. :-)

EagleAye said...

Lots of emotion in this one. It's powerful. Well done!

H.L. Pauff said...

I love this. You painted an incredible picture