Wednesday, July 25, 2012

When Kids Text On Your Behalf!

So I made it two days!

I just have to write (been writing a bazillion words in the last two days for me, just not here).

And sometimes I just have to share…when things strike me but especially my funny bone and this had us rolling on the floor, literally, at the end of the night when discovered.

A lovely friend invited me to dinner last night knowing I was alone. She thoroughly tempted me with her delicious fish tacos (fresh lake bass). I know she thought I’d say “no”, which I actually considered doing for sure, but knew she could hook me with a favorite meal. Dangling good food is a sure fire why to get me to do something.

As a guest, I refuse to just sit tight when someone is working so hard in the kitchen, especially for me, so I insisted that I help because if someone ever asks me while I’m preparing a meal, I always find something to delegate. Tonight, I got to heat up rice and beans (Woo Hoo!).

It was during last minute preparations that my phone “quacked” (and I’d like to know who set it’s tone to do that…not me!). The text was from my darling 21 year old daughter who I hadn’t seen in a week.

Being busy in the kitchen, I asked her best friend, daughter of the lovely dinner lady, to answer on behalf of me. As me!

This is the conversation my daughter thought she was having WITH ME while out for dinner with her father…

(That's a martini glass, a swami, and two money bags)

I suppose, if it were truly true, he should be concerned. He knows me inside and out and the possibility of such cavalier and spontaneous behavior really makes his very practical head spin.

Have you ever seen the movie “Lost In America” with Albert Brooks and Julie Hagerty (a movie that makes us laugh every time)? Here’s a small snippet of the plot!

“David and Linda Howard are typical 1980s yuppies in Los Angeles who are fed up with their lifestyle. He works in an advertising agency and she for a department store. But after he fails to receive a promotion he was counting on and is asked to transfer to the firm's New York office instead, David angrily insults his boss and is fired. He coaxes his wife to quit her job as well and seek a new adventure.
The Howards decide to liquidate their assets and drop out, "like in Easy Rider", heading out to see the country in a Winnebago recreational vehicle. They leave L.A. with "nest egg", but don't get very far. The plan goes awry when Linda loses nearly all their cash playing roulette at the Desert Inn Casino in Las Vegas.

I think MY guy was thinking this. He should know better, however, because I’m not a gambler…with money, that is!!!


Jen said...


Just Keepin It Real, Folks! said...

I'm still stuck on the part that you have a 21 year old daughter????? You obviously adopted her when you were 10 years old.

momto8 said...

oh my gosh..that is really funny!!

About Last Weekend said...

Glad you're back!!!! I really need to see that movie - love the American classics. I somehow starting getting texts from The High Schooler's friends yesterday but they were no where near as interesting as this one!

Gina said...

"Twas funny!

Gina said...

You are being waaaay too kind! But thank you none the less!!!!

Gina said...

It was Annmarie. And to think my guy for one second bought into it cracks me up.

Gina said...

Just wait until they get a bit older. These lake kids really know me well so they often pull such pranks on me.

I haven't seen the movie in a long time but the texting did remind me of it. I know the whole first half is funny but I forgot some of the last half. I should look for it "On Demand".

Kenya G. Johnson said...

LOL! This is funny. I became an Albert Brooks fan (though I knew who he was) AFTER he played Nemo's dad. Somehow he was even funnier after that. I've never seen that movie, I might get lucky on Netflix.

Gina said...

Look for it. As I say, the first half is really funny especially in Vegas.

We leave our phones around a lot here so it's quite common to have a text conversation without knowing, new pics as screen savers and crazy ring tones ALWAYS. Sometimes I don't even know it's my phone ringing and someone will inform me, "oh, that's your phone." "Really?"

a.eye said...

So much fun! Did she ever catch on that it wasn't really you?

Gina said...

Nope! Not until I told her. She just wondered what the heck was going on here.

lumdog2012 said...

Really funny. I'll be sure to never ask one of my kid's friends to text for me. Or my kids either.

Gina said...

It was so funny. She knows my sense of humor!

Kenya G. Johnson said...

Christopher is locked out of my phone for that very reason. It's amazing how they learn how to 'do stuff" at such an early age. When he read a text message out to me that was the "first" straw.

Gina said...

Maybe I should put a pass code on my phone to prevent monkey business but it's funny, too. People would suspect I was doing something underhanded if I did, however. Ya know, mom's stuff is everyone' it's not!

TMWHickman said...

Heheh...we were just looking at an RV, wondering what it would be like to travel in one!

Gina said...

Too funny! Probably would be a ton of fun!!!