Monday, July 23, 2012

Gone Fishin’

I don’t know if I’m leaving for just today, maybe. Or if I’ll be gone for a week, or weeks, or perhaps a month. I need to see where I get swept.

Just feeling it. Feeling the need to take a step back from some things and devote my time to others.

There’s still so much I want to do this summer and I’m not getting to it.

I want to wet a line everyday and catch a few keepers (bass must be 14” ‘round these parts) and after Matt fillets them, cook them for our breakfast.

I want to swim...errrr....float!

I want to finish The Hunger Games and start In One Person by John Irving (I’ve read several of his books).

I want to see “To Rome With Love” like yesterday and maybe today because it’s finally RAINING!!!! Plus it's going to be 97 degrees, or so "they" say.

I want to play with my kids before they go back to school in three short weeks.

Then after they leave, there’s this spot I’ve wanted to visit for as many years as I can remember. It’s from my favorite movie of all time and while it’s less than 6 hours away from me right at this very moment, I haven’t pulled the trigger and driven up there. This I will do and by myself. I need this the most.

But really what I need is..... to unplug for a while…..

"You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need"- Jerry Gilles (some author dude but love this)

"Wherever you go, go with all your heart."- Confucius


Jen said...

I so totally understand this need. Take care of your self, enjoy, relax, contemplate your navel or whatever you need to do to refresh yourself. I'll have a beer or more for you at the beach next week! Miss you already....

Jack said...

There is something to be said for unplugging and just living life without concern about the online world. Enjoy, it is refreshing.

Arnebya said...

I get this need, I really do. Do what you need to; we'll be here when you get back. And please let us know about that one thing/place. (And gah just three weeks! The girls are back in school in four and it amazes me how it seems like they just started the summer laze last week).

Just Keepin It Real, Folks! said...

Good for you for not only recognizing the need, but actually making the time for YOU!!!! ENJOY every moment!!!!!

Ashlyn | Let It Be Beautiful said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! & sometimes you really do need to take a break. enjoy it! & enjoy the time with your kids. life is short!


TMWHickman said...

I will miss you lots, but I applaud you for recognizing the need to step away and let go for a bit. That's something that I need to work on! Have a great time, Gina!

About Last Weekend said...

You really have gone fishin' Good on you and have a wondrous restful time...

Ariel Tyler Henley said...

Totally know the feeling! Sometimes it's just necessary to get away for a while.

loverofwords said...

"Go slowly, come back quickly."

Ducky said...

Unplugging IS so therapeutic and fishing? Ahhh...yes...drop a line and dangle the toes. Just returned from a wonderful 4 days of that.

Sandra said...

Darn it, I just got here and now you're gone! Oh well, I'll definitely be back. Have a great time doing all the must do's.

Sandra said...

BTW: I definitely care.

The Gal Herself said...

I HAVE TAGGED YOU FOR AN AWARD. (7/25) I did it so that, when you get back from your blogging sabbatical, you won't have to wonder what to write about. It's a prompt as well as an award. And I hope you come get it soon, because look how many people care what you write!

Gina said...

Gal! You are a doll! Thank you so much. I'm just not cut out for the staying away thingie!