Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Things I've Learned From Nevis-SOC

I'm kind of digging this vacation "Stream Of Consciousness" format. I WILL REPEAT AGAIN THAT I DISLIKE WRITING ON THIS iPAd. Who knew one could gather so many morsels of information from one 36 square mile island. Nevis is truly an amazing place!!! Here is what I learned...You can capture a baby monkey and raise it but it will require a diaper for God only knows how long. There are over 7800 wild monkeys on this island. Most native Nevians have upwards of 20 siblings so it's one big family here. Therefore, you must take care when choosing a spouse (of course, it's the daddies who have a few babies with many different women and from how it sounds according to Winston and Greg...it's all good!they take pride in straight teeth. They are very educated and hard working. There aren't any beach vendors so you are never bothered. Many buildings and plantains date back to the early 1600s. You can bike up to a spot approximately 600 meters and see both the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. You can take a sip of the local moonshine (basically alcohol and peanuts fermenting together and survive to tell someone about it. Caribe is the local beer. AND the most I treating piece of information is that the goats and sheep look identical and to tell them apart you look at their....TAILS. Goats' tails point up and sheeps' point down. Saw a whole lot of both. I will be sharing some fun pictures (I have one for you, Arnebya!) when I get home because this damn iPad won't let me upload them. Maybe it's operator error but result is still the same. I'm really going to miss this place when they kick me out on Thursday. That's my five minute SOC.


Gina said...

That was supposed to say Plantations not plantains. Auto correct drives me nuts!

Gina said...

AND interesting not I treating!

momto8 said...

I have never heard of this island...wow..lucky you!! sounds like an adventure!!!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
my 3 books ago read was Virginia Woolfe....the creator of stream of consciousness.....made me a lot more mindful of my thoughts!!

Jen said...

Island life is the life i love, minus the monkey's and the diapers of course. Can't wait to see all your pictures,and I'm lovin all your SOC post too!

Gina said...

Hi momto8,
Nevis is a little known island but incredible. Tons to do and people are so friendly.

I agree that you think a bout your thoughts bit moe when doing SOC writing. I'm really good about SOC with my mouth. Don't stick my foot in it hardly ever!

Gina said...

There's no way you wouldn't love this island, Jen. Mount Nevis (the volcano) always looms in the background and because it has its own ecosystem, looks different everyday and that's really cool.

I also look different every day. Hair getting a little more islandy. Me, I'm getting a little chubbier from all the great food and drink. Nothing I can do about it now.

About Last Weekend said...

Oh how funny - Nevis. Our British friends have a place down there and it looks idyllic. Good to know about the I-pad, tricky to type on...nearly 8,000 monkeys and moonshine - how fantastic! Loving hearing all about it.

Gina said...

Thanks for reading! There ar quite a few British ex-pats on the island but also visitors. The island and people are simply gorgeous. Hope to get back relatively soon. You should visit your friends. Possibly my favorite Caribbean island. Would have been skiing but happy to be here. Meet up with our college boy on a different island on Saturday so I'll have something more to compare.

Life's a beach!

Ed Pilolla said...

7800 wild monkey and peanut moonshine, i am aching for an island vacation:) sounds like a blast.

Gina said...

Just get it on the books, Ed! This place is fantastic. I think you live warm weather but nothing like the islands, mon. I don't so this came at just the right time.

Kenya G. Johnson said...

Nice to see you enjoying your vacation and take advantage of SOC. I need an SOC fix ;-). Now about the iPad user error thing, try using the photo stream. Email me if I was too vague. It's a setting you have to turn on.

Gina said...

Love this SOC thing. Very freeing!

Thanks for the tip on photo stream. I have some time on this next leg of the trip to work on it.