You are a glowing white screen,
Seemingly two dimensional and flat.
Only your letters are different.
Forming unique combinations unearthing
Your feelings.
Your intensity.
Your humor.
You doctor your persona with bold, italics, colors.
Glimpses of you peek through in word choice,
Sometimes explicatives.
Sometimes explicatives.
But when I look at you for too long,
My eyes
So I step away
Trying to imagine you
in 3-D...
Reading in the park,
Standing on a street corner,
Talking on the telephone,
You become more real then.
But to "see" you,
I have no choice but to sit here, gaze at this screen,
And wait for it to be filled
By all of you…
Bold Veranda 14,
Baby Blue Cambria,
Italic Arial 13.
Roman Black 12.
This week’s 33-333 Trifecta word
prompt is:
3. a: material added (as to food)
to produce a desired effect
b: a blade (as of metal) for spreading a coating
or scraping a surface

Can't go wrong with Times Roman!! It's a classic.
I like classics!!!
This was cool. I'm always fascinated by the variety of choices. Occasionally, my baser instincts lead me to think about other fonts, but I come to my senses and vow that I will never leave my one true love, Arial 11. Enjoyed this post! :)
The styles remind me of people. You all look different to me, in my mind, based on your choices in font, words, emphasis, phrasing, etc. I picture people by their writing. And only know them through a computer screen.
awwww.. well done
The fonts definitely have different personalities. I think the classics are such because they are easier to read. But it is fun to experiment and have the ability to let it influence the reader. A fun -- yet thoughtful post, Gina.
Excellent job Gina. I love your title too. It's so much more than just a font. ;-)
I think we all have font, word choice personalities. Thank you Jamie!
Sometimes it's easy to picture a person behind the words. Other times, it's not but I feel personalities come through on the screen.
I prefer Verdana, but that is just because it is easier on the eyes. This seemed like it was fun for you to write, very lighthearted, with a bit of an edge. In other words, I loved it!
You are so nice to me! It was fun!
i really enjoyed this article,because this was me many years ago,and to a certain degree,this is who i am today
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